Unexpected Allies

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"Hey, what are you doing out here?" An American voice called out as her heart immediately dropped. She turned her head to see two soldiers with their weapons lowered but at the ready position. The soldiers wore black uniforms and tan vests and helmets; markings of Shadow Company.

Katana spun around, unslinging her weapon and training it on the first soldier, waiting to judge their reactions. They remained steady and calm, still eyeing her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Her finger rested on the trigger. "Don't..." She whispered, she just wanted to run.

"Contrary to your belief that we are going to kill you, we have other orders. You are Katana, are you not?"

"How the fuck do you know my name." She hissed out as she steadied breath, preparing to squeeze a round off.

"Because your lover told us. He told us to watch over you until you escape safely." The second soldier added on.

She let go of the trigger, slightly lowering the weapon. "And... who is my lover?"

"Disciple One Two as we know him, you'll also know him differently."

"And that is?"


She blinked as she heard his name, finally piecing everything together. Disciple One Two was indeed Arrow, her lover and future husband. She lowered her weapon completely. "He's... Shadow Company? That's Shepherd's unit?" The two soldiers nodded as she asked a question again. "Why are you all disobeying orders then?" It was very unlike Arrow to disobey orders.

"Because you are his family, officially you are dead. He made sure it wasn't true and when one of our soldiers reported it directly to him that you were alive, he sent us two to find you and make sure you escape. We signed up to fight and destroy the Russians, he is taking it too far."

"So... why don't you defect then?"

"We still have a war to win and Shepherd is the one who understands these risks..." The first soldier lowered his head as if he regretted saying his sentence, "The good outweighs the bad."

Now it made sense to her, Arrow was remaining to finish the war the Russians caused. "Is... he okay?"

"He's alive and well, he told us to deliver this bag to you." The second soldier lowered his weapon to the ground and slid off the tan backpack, which was covered in personal patches of a Texan flag, Arrow's first unit he deployed with, and his name tape which read Rehnskiold. "Inside is a letter."

One of the soldier's radios crackled, "Disciple One Five, this is Butcher Actual. We are approaching the village for relief. You are to report back to Site Hotel Bravo. ETA, two mikes."

One Five looked at Katana, "Take the bag, go." She nodded, quickly grabbing the bag and sprinted out of the town in case the soldiers were indeed attempting to betray her. She could be carrying a bomb now that was set to detonate but she shook those thoughts away. It was Arrow's bag and he was watching out for her, even if he was on the wrong side. She looked back to see if anyone was following her but the two soldiers had turned around and left. She turned her head forward to continue running up the hill, giving all the energy she could possibly muster. Fifteen minutes past and breathless she ran into the clearing outside of the cabin before she stumbled to the ground as Ivy rushed out to grab her.

Rumbling woke her up as she opened her eyes, shooting straight up as a helicopter was landing outside. Nikolai stepped out, an M4 raised as he approached the cabin, "Ivy? Katana?"

Ivy peaked her head slightly out, realizing it was Nikolai and quickly opened the door. "We're here!"

Nikolai quickly slung his weapon and ran over to the cabin, "Grab Roach and let's go."

His radio crackled, "Roach? Ghost? Come in, Ghost. Do you copy? Does anyone copy?" It was MacTavish.

"They're dead, Soap. Shepherd's cleaning house. I'm working my way back to you." Price's rough voice pushed MacTavish back into reality.

"Shepherd betrayed us." The acidic tone was heard in MacTavish's voice.

"Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did. Nikolai, come in. Do you have our location?"

Nikolai and Ivy, both finished carrying Roach onto the Little Bird as Katana brought all their gear out, stashing it next to Roach who muttered with a thumbs up. Katana quickly hopped on the railings, sitting on the seat as did Ivy. Nikolai pulled up on the thrust, the helicopter lifting into the air.

"Da. Inbound, Price. But I am not the only one. You've got Shepherd's men on one side, Makarov's on the other." He spoke, as he put a course directly for the nearest airfield while his UAV feed revealed the troop clusters.

"We'll have to take them all out then." Price commented.

"Or let them take each other out. Either way, I'll see you on the other side, my friend. I am also bringing a surprise."

"I love surprises." MacTavish spoke, attempting to get over the bad mood.

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