The Aftermath

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Snow blinked, groaning as she rolled onto her side. She looked around the rocky room, spotting Angel. "Angel..." No response as she was still unconscious. Beeping was heard as she felt needles and IVs jabbed into her.

"Sir, she's awake." A voice called out to another in the room.

"Alright, I'll call it in." A moment later the voice repeated. "Disciple One Two, this is Carnival Four. One is awake."

"Roger, I'll be over in a moment." That voice sounded very familiar to Snow as she finally eyed the room and observed the place. The room seemed to be a cave of sorts, all lit and covered with casual US gear. Was she in a friendly place?

She grunted and attempted to move again however she only felt dull aches throughout her body; she was wounded. The door opened as a man moved towards her.

"How ya feeling Snow?"

"I'm... good. I can't see much of anything right now."

"The medication is still potent. You were hit by a mortar."

The flashback slammed into her, the mission was botched? "Was the mission successful?"

"Yes. You completed all of your objectives." The voice was re-assuring.

She sighed, lowering back into her pillow. "How are the others?"

"Only Angel and you survived. The rest were... taken out."

She shut her eyes as emotions swelled over her. The man placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to find those who eliminated your team and I'll get revenge." He soon left and walked out of the room as Angel grunted with the medics taking their places again.

Katana stood near the door, eyeing the surroundings as Ivy treated Roach, the two further situated in the cabin. She closed her eyes, leaning her head against a wooden post mauling over what to do next. She inhaled and exhaled as many thoughts raced through her mind. Ivy stood up, making her way next to Katana as Roach was stable. "He'll hold."

"That's good." She turned her gaze back to the outside air.

"What do we do next?"

Katana lowered her gaze as she thought upon the question. She lifted her head up, "We can use a pay phone."

Ivy looked over to Katana, "Why would we do that?"

"Before we left for Georgia... I was given a number by Price. If I were to run into any trouble and needed to escape, call it."

Roach groaned as he stirred in his sleep, drawing both of the women's attention. "He won't make it very far unless he gets serious help." Ivy looked concerned, Katana knowing that same worrying glance.

"You love him."

Ivy's face reddened as she began to stammer, "I-I, Th-that."

"It's okay. I understand, I already broke that same rule."

Ivy recovered as her face turned questioningly, "What do you mean?"

"I love a team member too." She kept staring into the treeline, sighing in the process. "When I last saw him, I made a promise to him. I was going to survive and we were going to have a healthy relationship." A sad grin covered her face. "But now I don't know if I can keep that to him."

Ivy stepped forward, "Hey... we can survive this. A payphone right?"

Katana sniffled, shoving her tears away, they could be released at a later time. "Yeah... I'll go out. Stay here with Roach." She reached for her M4, sliding the mag out to see how much remained; less than half. She had one last magazine with her and she closed her eyes praying no one hostile remained outside. She locked the magazine back in place and stepped outside quickly before Ivy could protest.

With her head down, she kept a jogging pace following a dirt path further down the hill. 'There has to be a town somewhere... just gotta keep looking.' She slowed her pace down to a walk, scanning her sectors. She didn't have any night vision equipment with her, hampering her ability to effectively scan. She mentally mauled herself as she continued to keep moving down the rocky terrain.

Finally the path began to expand into a maintained dirt road with tire tracks visible. Katana exhaled with some relief, there could be hope. She slung her weapon, holding the sling with her left hand as she started to jog down the road with more vigor in her stride. After ten minutes, she reached the small village and paused on the outskirts to peer inside of the quiet village. The houses were scattered, many showing their age. She scratched at her head, finally spotting the only lamp post, next to it was the payphone. She closed her eyes and cheered mentally.

Hopping down from her ledge, she unslung her M4 and cautiously stepped into town. She kept running her eyes over the houses, seeing zero activity as everyone was asleep or had left the town. She approached the phone, slinging her M4 quickly and excitedly. She grabbed the phone, inserting what coinage she had and dialed the number immediately.

The phone rang for an excruciating minute until a Russian voice answered.


"Nik-Nikolai?" Her voice quivered.

"Da? Who is this?"

"It's me, Katana!" She fought to hold tears in from excitement.

"Katana? All comms went dark. What happened?"

She quickly blurted out as she recounted everything that happened. "Shepherd, he betrayed us! He wounded Roach, kidnapped Angel and Snow, and killed Ghost. It's only Ivy, Roach, and I. We... need help."

"I will be there, where are you?" Nikolai's tone changed rapidly.

"We're in a cabin about... seven miles south of the LZ. I'm contacting you from a town that's about two miles south of that."

"Can you all move?"

"No." She flatly spoke, "Roach is in critical. We have to get him out relatively soon."

"I understand. I will be there as quickly as I can, give me six hours." The line went dead as he had hung up. A tear down her face, they were going to be rescued.

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