The Villa

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Arrow sat in the back with MacTavish as Merlin and Roach sat up front. Their car was trailing a suspected van as MacTavish spoke on the radio to Ghost, "Plates are a match."

"Copy. Any sign of Rojas' right hand man?"

"Negative. They stopped twice already - no sign of him."

The van pulled in front of a hotel building as the car slowed behind them. "Wait, they've stopped again."

Two militia members hopped out of the van with their weapons drawn towards a man who approached with his hands up. "Got a positive ID, whoever these guys are, they're not happy to see him."

One got close enough to the suspect who quickly lowered his hands down to his back drawing a pistol and shot both of the armed militia members. A third man came from behind the van who was spotted and shot almost immediately. "Ghost we have a situation here!"

The suspect turned to the car and aimed at the car firing. Everyone ducked as best as they could as shot zipped through the car. One hit right above Arrow's neck just slightly grazing it as he watched the impact behind the seat.

"Merlin's dead!" Roach shouted as the suspect ran off.

"He's getting away! Roach, Arrow let's go!" MacTavish shouted as Arrow kicked his door open and rolled out onto the street. The trio sprinted after the suspect making their way through panicked civilians and shots were also fired throughout the city. "Ghost, our driver's dead! We are on foot, meet us at the Hotel Rio and cut him off if you can!"

"Roger, I'm on my way."

Arrow turned the corner, a bloodied man ran past him as Ghost, Meat, Royce, and Ivy running straight across the intersection.

Ivy shouted over the chaos as Arrow and Roach moved closer to the spot he turned, "He went into the alley!"

"Non-lethal takedowns only, we need him alive!" MacTavish barked as Roach and Arrow sped around the corner.

Arrow slapped Roach's shoulder, "Take the shot, go for his leg!"

Roach aimed with his ACR and fired a round that went straight through the man's leg, he soon collapsed afterwards with the rest of the team regrouping.

After grabbing the man, Ghost and MacTavish pulled him into an abandoned garage tying him down to a chair. MacTavish turned to Roach, "Roach, this is going to take some time. Go with Meat, Royce, and Arrow and check the favela for any signs of Rojas. That's where this guy was headed."

"What about Ivy, Ozone, and Katana?"

"They'll head to the north of the favela and check the high-ground for other traces in case he tries to run off."

Roach nodded and motioned for his group to move with him. Royce took point and turned to Arrow speaking to all, "Remember, there are civilians in the favela. Watch your fire out there."

The group stopped at a fence that was torn and led to a drop into the favela where civilians stood around. Arrow nodded and took the first drop into the area, landing in a small pond. Roach followed, then Royce and Meat.

Royce turned to Meat nodding towards the civilians, "Meat, get these civvies out of here."

Meat turned to Royce, "Roger that." He whipped around back to the civilians raising his MP5K to the air. "Este lugar nao e seguro!" He fired off warning shots as everyone scattered. Almost immediately a shot whizzed past Arrow and impacted the wall behind him.

"Contact!" He raised his ACR at the shooter and pulled the trigger, the shooter falling down.

Royce shouted, "Bravo Six, be advised, we engaged the enemy militia at the lower village! Arrow, take Meat and push left! Roach move right, I'm with you! Watch the rooftops!"

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