New Team and Family

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Arrow sat down on his bunk, his gear laid out in front of him. His vest was a tan color, having all the attachments he ever needed back in his old unit. He sat down and sighed. He was supposed to have a roommate, but they have yet to arrive. Rumor has it the barracks was co-shared.

"What are the chances?" He scoffed at his extreme hopeful optimism. As he finished his sentence, the door swung open.

"What chances?" A feminine voice called out. Arrow turned his head to the right, eyeing the woman in front of him. She stood roughly 5'6 as her face had freckles that dotted her nose. Her dark brown hair dropped to her shoulders as she moved a bit of her hair back behind her ear revealing his emerald green eyes.

"What are you doing?" Arrow stood up.

"Coming to settle down in my room of course." She rolled her eyes. Arrow's mouth fell open.

"Yes yes you're staying with a woman. So what?"

Arrow shook his head, moving towards the woman sticking out his hand. "Austin Rehnskiold."

She took the hand and generously shook it, "Flora Sinclair."

He let go of the grip, "Well Flora, let's get you settled in." He grabbed two of her bags and carried it into the room to her bunk and side.

The two had come to learn about each other relatively fast. Flora had served as one of the female medics in the Ranger unit. Austin had served as a squad leader in the same unit, and was actually treated under her care. Flora was pulled at the same time Austin was for reasons that the two could not come up with. A knock echoed on their door interrupting their conversations.

Arrow opened the door as Roach stood outside. "Arrow, Ivy; the team requests you in the rec room."

"We'll be there shortly." Arrow replied as Roach stepped off. He turned to Flora, "Well Ivy, let's not be late." The two soon scampered over to the rec room where the other newcomers scrambled to the front as well.

Cheers were met from all around the team as eyes were laid on the four new women, it most likely had been awhile and it showed on a few of them. Two guys in the far left sitting at a table with an ongoing chess game cheer, one white male with black combed hair in a t-shirt and the other was a light skin black with a white t-shirt on. Scanning to the right Arrow spotted two more soldiers sitting on a sofa right next to the table, both were white and wore maroon shirts. Even further right were two others that wore green and blue shirts respectively at a bar-like setting. Further forward sat a reserved soldier, he wore a white shirt with a Canadian flag imprinted on the side. Then on the main large sofa that was forefront to where all the new bloods were standing was Roach and Ghost sitting on opposite corners taking their own paradise. To the right of them were three men standing all in yellow t-shirts with another two in gray t shirts stood behind.

MacTavish soon walked in, everyone cheering louder till he held up his hand. "Tonight we have five new members standing before us. Before you get into a mess and start thinking with your smaller brains, Meat." He signaled out the light skinned soldier who cheered in recognition. "They have every right to beat your ass if you try something. Now onto introductions!" The room filled with claps and cheers as he moved behind Arrow. "This here is Sergeant Austin Rehnskiold or Arrow!" The room whooped as he moved down the line to Ivy.

"This is Specialist Flora Sinclair or Ivy!" The room whooped louder, Arrow knew why. They were women, he was a male, he'd have to fight harder than they ever will. "Next up on our roster is Sergeant Claudia Guerrero or Katana!" He continued to move down the line to the next female, "Soon followed by Corporal Alexia Seymor! She enjoys snow so it's fitting that our Arctic Warrior here will be named Snow!" She smiled as he continued down to the last female, the blonde Arrow had spotted earlier. "Last but not least, SPC Isabella Shepherd or Angel!" The team cheered as a line began to form in front of Arrow, the existing team forming to introduce themselves to the new members.

The first member to meet Arrow was the man with the Canadian flag, "Chemo." He stuck out his hand and Arrow shook his hand.

The next to come was the soldier wearing the green shirt. "Scarecrow."

The one with the blue shirt soon followed suit, "Ozone."

The two maroon shirts came up. The taller one spoke first, "Archer."

The shorter one, "Toad."

Soon the yellow shirts arrived, the first one a Hispanic guy, "Worm."

Another approached, white, "Rocket."

A dark-skinned male grabbed Arrow's hand and slapped it sliding back and gripping the fingertips with his

fingertips; his little handshake. "Jester." Arrow grinned back.

A light-skinned individual approached Arrow, "Rook." He bumped Arrow's fist.

The last grey shirt approached him, his skin slightly lighter than Rook's. "Knight."

Finally at the end of the unknowns approached, the man who was in the white shirt and called out earlier stuck out his hand. "Meat."

The man in the blue slapped the back of Meat's head, "Hurry up, we don't have all night."

Meat laughed and moved on as the man in blue stepped forward. "I'm Royce." He gripped Arrow's hand firmly, shaking it. Arrow nodded to the man.

Next to follow was Roach, Ghost, and MacTavish finally welcoming everyone to the team. The groups soon began to disperse with the new bloods moving to each group interacting with the individuals. Alcohol was somehow allowed and the group devoured what was available, some more than others. Arrow however did not partake, he wasn't feeling the mood to party. Angel had moved up to Arrow looking to engage in a conversation.

"My my, what are you doing here?" She spoke up.

Arrow decided to indulge himself in the conversation. "Surprised you want to talk to me after what happened last time between us."

"That party months ago back stateside?" She raised an eyebrow.

He nodded. "Your dad didn't take too kindly of me it seemed and moved me straight to his unit at the front."

She nodded her head in understanding, "So that's why you left me and didn't call me at all. I still have something to repay you for though."

"Wha-" SLAP. Arrow's eyes widened in acceptance. "I deserved that."

"Damn right you deserved it." Her eyes narrowed in anger that flashed by. "Don't leave a woman like that."

"I had no choice in the matter." He turned his head back to her. SLAP.

"That's just because you didn't go any further that night when I was dying for you."

"I don't think I deserved that one." He cracked his neck and turned back to her. "Come on now Angel." Before he could get slapped again, she stormed off.

"Nice going with that one." A voice called out behind him; Ivy.

He turned, looking over his left shoulder, "Gonna slap me too?"

She laughed and moved next to Arrow. "No, I did that before after you tried fighting me."

The memory flashed in his mind, he had been wounded and he assumed Ivy was an enemy combatant as he woke up. "So that's why my jaw hurt for days." She laughed and the party would continue for hours, Arrow finally giving in and drinking beating everyone in numerous competitions. He wondered to himself, how long will times like these last?

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