The Beginning

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"Shepherd, are you sure about this?"

"Positive MacTavish. Arrow will be attached to your unit as well as a few others. Consider him another attache."

"Understood sir." He ended the call as MacTavish knew better than to argue with the General. General Shepherd may have pushed and moved his team around the bush and to the extreme limits, but he knew what the General was thinking and how he operated. If this was to make the unit more effective than how it is now, he was willing to accept Arrow as a member of the team. Didn't mean he had to like him though.

The CH-47 taxied down the airstrip to a stopping point just outside of one of the few standing hangers. As the bird came to a complete stop, the rear ramp lowered with one of the crew chiefs stepping out motioning for the passengers to step off the aircraft. The ragtag group of people, some contractors and some soldiers, hurried off the airstrip as the CH-47's rotors drowned out the noise of the rest of the base. The soldiers unlucky enough to end up on guard duty motioned for the group to move instead to a small compound. Complying with the orders given, the new arrivals were moved inside and sorted and began the welcoming brief of Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan.

Austin "Arrow" Rehnskiold sat in one of the chairs, nodding slowly at the presentations, he wasn't new to this base but it had expanded since his first time he deployed. He exhaled remembering his times with his Ranger unit, seizing an unknown town in the middle of nowhere Afghanistan. That was only what seems to be a month ago, his unit torn to shreds and he was moved to some forgotten unknown unit and base until General Shepherd pulled his file combing from the forgotten remains that fell through the cracks. He noted a few others around, realizing they all came from similar backgrounds just how they position themselves. After noting this, his subconsciousness kicked in and he changed his position to match one of who wouldn't seem like a threat. He glanced over to his right, noting a hispanic female who shrugged her shoulders back. He blinked glancing back over to his left, another female but she was looking up at the ongoing presentation. Her blonde hair fighting to cover her eyebrows casting a shade on her slate gray eyes.

'Women, a dime a dozen wherever. Bet the guys will try to get some.' He shook his head as he turned back to the presentation. What seemed to be an agonizing ten minutes, the presentation ended with everyone standing up and sorting out. He turned to exit the room, taking point of the crowd, pushing the doors to leave the room open. He left and exited outside to hear the normal noise of a FOB: Generators, soldiers chatting and doing things to pass the free time, someone calling his name. Wait, someone calling his name?

"Sergeant Rehnskiold!" A male with a mohawk shouted in a thick Scottish accent. Arrow turned to the man moving towards him. "I'm your new CO, Captain MacTavish." He stuck out his hand. Arrow returned the handshake but MacTavish pulled him in closer to where a knife could have been possibly jabbing his rib that had been protecting his heart. "You put my team in danger and I will make sure you do not see the light. It may be your General's task force, but they are my team. Am I understood?"

"Crystal sir." Arrow's southern accent was well hidden, but it was still present. MacTavish let Arrow go, returning to the former stance.

"Welcome to the 141. Best handpicked group of warriors on the planet."

Arrow nodded to the man, "It's an honor sir. When do I get started?"

A figure approached MacTavish, his calm yet alert British accent contradicted MacTavish's heavy Scottish, "The rooms have been cleared and the rest of the team is in the rec room waiting for their arrivals." Arrow studied the man; he wore black oakleys with a skull balaclava covering his face.

MacTavish noticed Arrow's glance and popped a thump to the man, "This here is Lieutenant Simon Riley, or as everyone calls him Ghost."

Ghost turned to Arrow, "New guy?"

"Yes sir." Arrow stated without hesitation, he wasn't one to kiss ass but he also wasn't one to annoy his officers.

Ghost looked at MacTavish, "Bloody hell tomorrow will be long to get everyone updated and caught up to speed."

"I can start today sir." Arrow broadened his shoulders.

MacTavish shook his head, "Not today mate, it's everyone's offday. Besides, you are going to get acquainted with everyone soon enough." Arrow nodded as MacTavish continued, "Besides after reviewing your file, you should be up to everyone's standards. No need to impress me now lad."

A third figure also approached, just in desert patterned pants and a black t-shirt, speaking with a proper British accent. "Everyone's ready sir. When are we receiving the ne-" His eyes met Arrow's. "Oh. Welcome to the team." He stuck out his hand as Arrow reluctantly shook it, alert in case something similar to earlier handshake occurred.

Ghost cleared his throat, "Sergeant Rehnskiold, this is Sergeant Gary Sanders, or Roach as everyone in this unit goes by callsign."

Arrow's face turned to a puzzled one, "Why do they call you Roach?"

Roach shrugged while MacTavish spoke. "He's hard to kill and survives anything." MacTavish looked over to Roach, "Go take Arrow to his room. We'll meet back in the rec room."

"Sir yes sir." Roach motioned for Arrow to follow as he grabbed one of Arrow's bags. The two soon departed trading stories back and forth along the way.

"Seems pretty set for action." Ghost quirked.

"He came from Allen's old unit. He barely survived the gutter."

"Then why is he back here?" Ghost turned to MacTavish, he didn't know but Ghost was frowning at this revelation.

"Shepherd pulled him. I only know what the Ranger aspect of his life was, nothing else was listed." MacTavish lowered his arms to his side, waiting for the other new arrivals. It had only been five minutes and everyone was still inside.

"I'll keep an eye on him sir." Ghost turned, departing immediately. MacTavish turned back around watching Ghost depart towards their side of the base. Logically thinking, he knew that Arrow wasn't going to cause harm but a gut feeling said otherwise.

"Sir?" A feminine voice called out. He turned, the rest of the recruits stood in front of him.

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