The Counter-Attack

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AN: This honestly is where I began to struggle as I couldn't type out these missions without losing focus on what I was trying to focus on. Sorry for the sudden skips!

Meanwhile General Shepherd stood in a press conference room with his arms clasped together. "Plenty of fight to go around, MacTavish. Glad you made it out of South America. You're meeting up with the 6th Fleet. Leadin' the counter-strike." He used his remote and clicked to another slide, "Prisoner Six-Two-Seven. We believe that's who Makarov's got the mad-on for. But we can't get to him." He clicked again, pulling up a screen that showed oil rigs.

MacTavish, on the other side of the line, tilted his head asking "Oil Rigs, sir?"

"Russians are using them as SAM sites. Oil workers are human shields so we can't just blow up the rigs wholesale. And this one is the least defended. Boys, I know I'm sending you into the meat grinder in this one-" Shepherd was interrupted by MacTavish.

"They're defending it, so it means we want it. Especially if it gets us to Six-Two-Seven."

"That is correct. I also have news regarding Arrow, he has survived his wounds and will be stationed stateside with me."

MacTavish eyed Ghost who leaned his head back, they knew Arrow was being pulled out of the Task Force for god knows what reason. "As long as our man continues to hone in on his combat skills, after his stunt I consider him a full member of the Four One."

"I'll give him the regards." Shepherd ended the call.

"I knew he wasn't reliable."

"Perhaps we were too rough on him."

Ghost shook his head, "Nonsense. Arrow is a soldier that was brought into this unit by Shepherd. I knew this would happen."

"Arrow survived an ambush that only Roach came out of, you know the others were well trained to handle themselves out there."

"Still I-"

"Time will tell, maybe he's putting him to use on the homefront."

Ghost sighed and looked up, "Well bloody hell, I'll cut some slack. I'm just pissed Shepherd is pulling him for something. One Four One ca-"

"We can be separated and still operate just as effectively. Let's focus on this damn counter attack aye?"

"U.S.S. Chicago Actual to dry-dock shelter, we have a go."

"DDS hangar flooded, full pressure."

"Begin deployment."

The tube opened as the SEAL Delivery Vehicle was propelled forward. Ivy and Roach held onto the sides as the two drivers up front; Ghost and Snow. Ivy inhaled through her rebreather a little nervous of the water, it was also freezing cold.

"Team One SDV is away."

"Hotel Six, bearing zero one-niner."

The group passed the second submarine; the U.S.S Dallas who was also launching their SDV.

"U.S.S. Dallas deploying Team Two. RV at the objective."

"Hotel Six, depth 20 meters."

The two SDVs gathered in a little formation as one of the Team Two members gave a thumbs up to Ghost who replied with the okay sign. The mission was a go and after a minute the team arrived. Roach pushed off the SDV as Ivy trailed him, approaching the middle opening of the oil rig. She inhaled and exhaled as her heart began to race watching Roach drag the man into the water and stab the unsuspecting Russian. The group suddenly began to pull each other up as their mission began to liberate the oil rig and push on.

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