Arrow nodded to Meat as the pair approached a rundown shack vaulting inside of it. Heavy small arms fire pushed the pair into cover as Royce and Roach disappeared out of sight. "Contact in the alley, all yours!"

Meat stood up and fired upon the targets in front of him, "All down!"

"Moving!" Arrow rolled and pushed off of the ground moving down the small but covered alleyway, "Watch our asses!" He moved up further till MG shots ripped off parts of a brick in front of Arrow. He slid down as Meat moved behind him.

"MGs directly in front of us, can't get clear quite yet."

"Too easy man."

"Got a flash?"

"Yeah take it!" Meat handed Arrow who immediately prepped and threw it. The flashbang went off as Arrow stood using his M203 grenade launcher on his ACR to destroy the hastily made emplacement.

The radio crackled as the pair began to move forward. "Royce, someone give me a sitrep, over!"

"Lots of militia, but no sign of Rojas over here, over!"

"Copy that, keep searching! Let me know if you see him. Out!"

A sniper shot echoed throughout the favela as someone screamed on the radio. "Shit, watch the rooftops!"

The shot buried itself in the dirt next to Arrow as a second shot was fired. The impact was a flesh like sound followed by a thud. Arrow without looking yelled into the radio loud enough for everyone to hear. "Meat is down! I repeat, Meat is down!"

Ivy and her team were standing outside the garage as screams echoed inside. She could hear the massive amounts of shots being fired and wondered if everything was fine.

"Yo Ivy." Ozone spoke clearer to her as she shook her head, blinking. "Stay with us now."

"Sorry just thinking about Arr- the team." Her gaze drifted back over to the distant smoke.

Rocket looked at Knight, "Called it, she's into him!"

She tilted her head puzzled, "Who?"

"You like Arrow!"

Her face changed to a shocked disgusted look, "Arrow isn't relationship type, noooo thank you." She smiled as her mind began to forget distantly about the battle.

"Who do you like then?" Chemo stepped down from his perch.

"Promise to not tell anyone." Her face turned 50 shades of red.

"You're a part of us, we don't expose anyone like that." Knight grinned as he moved closer to the circle that was roughly forming.

"Come on, tell us girl!" Katana laughed at Ivy's reaction.

"Well I guess so." Ivy looked down at the ground then back up to the group. "I have an attraction for R-"

Arrow's voice came clear over the radio, "Meat is down! I repeat, Meat is down! Sniper fire coming from the upp-" His transmission cut out.

The entire group instantly turned to the battle as it continued to roar viciously. Ivy stared as an explosion echoed throughout the village.

"Jesus christ what the hell is going on down there?" Knight pushed to the front to try to view anything from where he was.

Arrow kicked the door open as he quickly cleared the room. He lowered his weapon as he peaked back to the entrance. Meat was dead, Royce and Roach haven't responded and plenty of militia are surrounding him. He released his breath as he blinked, getting his mind back into the game. He moved over to the opposite wall and kicked the window out, vaulting over the little ledge that was still left. Lowering himself to a crouched position, he continued to move against the wall. He winced, a cut from one of his vaults while under fire. The radio broke silence.

"Roach, I'm hit!" Royce screamed out followed by immediate silence.

Arrow pushed off from his position sprinting to an opening that led up to stairs heading up to the higher parts of the favela. Two things happened, a militia member lined up his shot on Arrow and Roach came out of nowhere tackling the member in a frenzied sprint. The shot that fired froze everyone, Arrow's body instantly felt like ice. He glanced down to see part of his vest tatter, he looked back up to see Roach stabbing the man in the heart. He knew he was wounded but he winced it off, adrenaline was running high anyways.

"Christ man, didn't think you made it." Roach panted as Arrow hunched over hiding his wound.

"Takes more to kill me." He laughed, still panting. He pointed forward, straightening himself out, "Let's keep moving and catch this fucker."

Moving up the path, the two continued to clear as Arrow began to slow down as he huffed for breath. "Holy fuck... holy fuck." Pain seared through his lower abdomen. As Roach pushed up one of the alleyways, Arrow tripped and face planted into the ground.

"Arrow!" Roach spun around, running straight to Arrow who pushed him off. He clicked on his radio as he looked stunned. "A.. Arrow is down!"

"Go... get him!" He wheezed through his ragged breaths as he began to roll over. "I'm fine damnit, just go!" He reached for his side, grabbing his small pouch. Roach reluctantly turned to run off as his radio continued to crackle.

Thump thump. Time began to slow down as he pushed down on his wound. Thump thump. He continued to push down on his wound with what bandaging he had; the gauze slowly stopping the blood. Thump thump. His body slowly began to shake as his temperature dropped. Using what strength he had left that was draining fast, he lowered his head slowly unable to keep his head up; his strength failing him. His breath increased as he continued to feel breathless. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck not like this, not like this.' His eyes began to begin to close as he clenched his teeth. 'Not like this, must stay awake.' He rolled his head to the side, falling out of consciousness.

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