Sleep-Walking Sequel: 3 of 6

Start from the beginning

"What can I do to help?" Remus was thankful that someone was willing to take him seriously, hear him out, and offer to help where he could.

The offer reaffirmed his decision. He had to tell Janus what he knew. It was only fair, considering he had just opened his door to Remus without question. Taking a deep breath, he met his friend's gaze in an attempt to prove he wasn't the one keeping information a secret from him. "You've been sleep-walking too." Shock mingled with a spark of anger took over Janus's expression, but he remained silent for the moment, allowing Remus to continue. "Virgil knows. He's been keeping notes in an attempt to help us," He gestured to the binder in his lap, "But doesn't want us to know yet for reasons that honestly sound like bullshit to me, but that's not the point right now."

Janus seemed to be trying to rein in whatever it was he was feeling as he took a deep breath. When his eyes opened his voice came out as a low hiss. "How long?" His fists were clenched at his sides. He was understandably angry, making Remus wish he'd told Janus sooner. "How long have I been sleep-walking?" His eyes narrowed. "And how long have you known?"

Remus didn't want to betray the trust of the only real friend he had, but there was no getting out of it. "You've been sleep-walking for a while, but I didn't know it was an issue until Virgil said something. As for the notes... I've only known about that for a few days."

Janus took in a deep breath, trying to process what Remus had just told him. He was a sleep-walker. He had been for some time. But no one had told him. It made sense that Remus hadn't said anything; it had never proven to be a problem, so he had just seen it as a quirk. Janus would have thought the same thing in the inverse. What angered him was Virgil. He knew about their sleep-walking habits, he knew that it was an issue, and yet, he had chosen to say nothing. He thought that he had finally been gaining back the trust which had been lost between himself and Virgil, but clearly he was wrong.

Glancing over, he could tell that Remus was worried about his reaction, and the truth was, Janus wasn't mad at him. He'd been the one to tell the truth, and he was dealing with the same issues, so it made no sense to be angry with him. He gave his friend a small smile, which calmed him somewhat. "Thank you for letting me know." He glanced over to the door. "I'm... going to go talk to Logan about this."

Janus was putting on his hat and gloves as Remus spoke, "Just make sure Virgil isn't around. I promised him I wouldn't tell you."

Another flame of anger towards Virgil ignited within Janus, but he suppressed it, putting his gloves back on as he got ready to leave. "You have my word." He started for the door, but looked back over to Remus once they were in the hall. "Go do something reckless."

Dipping his head to his friend, Janus headed down the stairs to the common-room. On his way to speak with Logan, he noted Virgil speaking quietly to Roman. He wanted to march over and confront his old friend, but he knew the action would do nothing in the long term, so he tucked the idea away for later.

Making his way to the library, it didn't take him long to locate Logan, who was sitting before a fireplace in a lush armchair. As Janus approached, he looked up, setting his book aside. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Sleep-walking. What information do you have on it?"

He didn't miss the way Logan sat up straighter, his body language changing to that of worry and contemplation. Finally, he gestured for Janus to sit in the chair opposite him. "Is there a particular reason you're interested in the topic of somnambulism?"

Deceit didn't yet want to tell him that he was aware of his own sleep-walking habits, for fear he would take the information to Virgil. "Yes. Remus came to me. He told me about his sleep-walking, and I wanted to find out how dangerous it is."

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