The flower field surrounding the table glowed with what must have been randomly placed LED globes, each orb emitting a warm yellow light from the ground, silhouetting the natural flowers and making them glow. Every globe was a different size, their light fading in an out at different intervals making the scene look like something out of a fairytale.

It made Jennie think of a thousand fireflies flying through pretty flowers illuminating everything, because really, Jennie was sure if she counted them all she'd swear there were thousands of orbs spread all over the field.

It was beautiful. Ethereal. Jennie's heart was hammering because it was all so perfect and the fact Lisa had put all that effort just for her made her feel like the most special person in the world.

"Lis, this is—it's so beautiful. How did you have time to do all this?" Jennie managed out, completely awestruck.

Lisa smiled, kissing her temple again, "I had help."

Jennie turned and captured Lisa's lips in gratitude, in love and disbelief. "I can't believe you did all of this for me."

"I'll do all of this and so much more Jennie." Lisa said with so much honesty that Jennie thought she might already be dead and had actually made it to heaven.

Jennie almost didn't want to eat despite the fact she was starving because she couldn't eat all day due to the nerves, preferring to kiss Lisa and pour all her love into their kisses instead.

She pulled away only because Lisa had gone through so much effort to make everything perfect and she was determined to not let Lisa's beautiful, perfect date go to waste. She needed to show Lisa how grateful she was for the way Lisa made sure she felt special and loved.

"Come on Nini." Lisa placed Jennie gently on the pillow, holding her hand as Jennie sat down before taking the other side.

Lisa took Jennie in, looking at her bare shoulder that was exposed from the robe she let fall to her elbow. Tracing her delicate exposed collarbone with her eyes. Sighing at the fact that Jennie was just so naturally beautiful and Lisa was lucky enough to get to kiss her.

Jennie got suddenly nervous again because Lisa was looking at her with such soft eyes, carefully taking in every detail and Jennie felt exposed.

"Lisaaaa," Jennie whined.

"Yes baby?"

"I can't focus when you look at me like that."

Lisa grinned at her goofily, leaning over the table and kissing her, catching Jennie so off guard she dropped the dumpling she was holding.

"Sorry love, it's not my fault you're so gorgeous though. I really can't help it."

"Lisa please," Jennie whined again. How was she expected to eat when Lisa kept talking to her like that.

Lisa just kept grinning wider as she saw Jennie blush.

"Here," Jennie put her chopsticks in front of Lisa's mouth to feed her for the umpteenth time that night.

Lisa really loved when she did that.

She would feed Lisa first then take a bite herself. Lisa was pretty sure she hadn't even gotten a chance to touch her own chopsticks yet.


Lisa made Jennie stand up and close her eyes after they were done eating, putting out the candles on the table.

"Come on Nini." Lisa said, back hugging her and putting her hands over Jennie's eyes because she knew Jennie well enough to know she would peek.

Jennie huffed when Lisa did that because she had every intention of peeking.

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