31 | old year old me

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eloise fay bradley.
middle of the night - elley duhé

I can't say shit that i'm good. If I could be someone else, I would. But at the same time, fuck the world, fuck the news, fuck the gossip. I'm me and i'm staying that way, even if it means risking everything in between. Old year, old me, i'm not changing shit just because the calendar changed.

december 31st. 8:08 pm.

The feeling of a harsh winter breeze hit across Eloise's cheek, as she rushed inside her home. Her scarf was wrapped around her neck tightly, her curls messy and frizzy. It was the night of new years eve, a night that a lot of parents feared. Eloise's mother wasn't an exception. She unlocked the door into her apartment, barging in. Her mother stood right by the entrance, it was almost a jumpscare to her.
"Elly, would you go with me to aunt Helen's for New Years? You said you'd think about it." She mentioned, yet Eloise's lip trembled.
Fuck I forgot.
It was like a wave of hot and cold brushed over her, the phone buzzing in her pocket didn't help.
"Mom ive got plans." She said casually, looking into her dissapointed mother's eyes.
"You need to spend more time with family. I'm honestly contemplating on not letting you go"
"But it's New Years mom, it's important to me." Eloise budged, listening to her mother's loud and dreadful sigh. She didn't say a word again, whistling off to her room.

A girly girl was never her thing, but picking out a dress for such occassion was a must. Getting ready was her secret guilty pleasure, the caring for her skin and hair, pure love and appreciation for the body was all the relaxation she needed. She grabbed a skin tight black dress, pushing her curls down with Doja Cat in the background. She put on see through thights, with big black boots that had pretty laces on them. She couldn't wear earrings, so she put on a flashy necklace to take the attention. Eloise couldn't ignore a lingering feeling in her chest that had been holding on for a while, now. But just then it popped up, right before New Years, the feeling that something bad was about to happen. It's been exactly four weeks since the text message she didn't get to read, got deleted. And Ethan Fallon was a frequent visitor in her mind, even if she wanted to keep him away. The curly-haired girl did her eyelashes, stroking a strong black eyeliner across her eyelids, hoping to mask her inner battle. She just hoped alcohol wouldn't be the one to betray her. The constant text messages from the other girls bothered her, as it felt like a reminder of time. She wasn't bothered that her 17th birthday was on New Years. She was born in the late evening of January 1st, not the early morning. Maybe it was why she was such a night owl at times.

Olivia's skin was glowing in glitter, as well as her pretty violet dress that almost matched her toned out pink hair. Her eyelids were covered in purple eyeshadow, as she was finishing off curling her hair. Chase never dressed perfectly for New Years. In fact, he didn't try at all.
"You know, you could atleast try this year. I mean you're going with Eloise for fucks sake." Olivia commented, rolling her eyes at the way Chase dressed, his casual grey sweater and black cargo pants. His fingers had a few rings, and his ear had a dangling piercing. But that was it, nothing more flashy.
"I'm not staying at your little kid party. It's not my thing. Me and Wayne are going to smoke weed on the rooftop."
"It's her birthday in a few hours too, you jerk."
"She was born in the late evening, wasn't she?" He caressed his own chin, looking at his jawline in the mirror. Olivia rolled her eyes, puffing her curled hair to the sides.
"You are both idiots if you think that Aurora and Eloise will let you ignore them."
"Who said i'll be ignoring her?"
Olivia just scoffed, looking at her phone as she saw a text message from Rafael.
"I'm leaving."
"Tell that punk to drive carefully." Chase warned, looking back at Olivia grabbing her coat.
"He's not you."
"You're lucky he's not." Chase's tone of voice sent spirals through Olivia's spine, but yet she managed to collect herself and brush it off.
"Why are you such an annoying asshole." Olivia commented, sighing in disbelief. He was getting on her nerves more than any man in this planet. Her eyes moved across the delicate light that shinned through her window as she took a deep breath. "I'm leaving."
Chase just gave her a strict nod, with a cigarette pushed between his teeth as he glared.
Olivia's heels kept making a certain sound as she walked down the stairs, seeing the red lights of Rafael's car. He looked magnificent in her eyes, the way one of his hands held roses and the other the wheel. Things like that made it easier to be forgiving. She watched his slicked back hair and those cunning brown eyes look her up and down.
"You look beautiful." Were the words he mentioned and it felt like the world was spinning in her favour once more. He handed her the flowers, which planted a big smile on her lips. The pink haired girl jumped into his arms, her eyes wide like a puppy's. Her lips stayed a soft pinkish color, as she couldn't wait to leap into this fantasy world of the perfect relationship. Olivia softly touched his face, before he turned away to the wheel.

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