"I've got a drink, thank you." Kai nods as I go to the kitchen to get my can of coke. "Did you know Aidan and Mason's interview is on TV today?"

This interview has been predicted for a few weeks now, I thought the media had just forgotten about it? I've been working with the team to organise the cameras and the lighting, but I just thought they were interviewing the players about a game or something. I wasn't allowed to record the interview for some reason, something to do with it being a live recording and they don't want any mistakes to be made. I'm quite glad I'm not working at the interview now though, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make Kai his meal for him. This is definitely better than working!

"Aidan went to the interview in the end, did he?" I frown, wandering back over to the sofa and reading the TV. "Put it on, I want to see how many times they bully each other."

"Typical bromance." Kai chuckles in agreement, clicking on the channel and putting the remote back. "These chips are amazing as well, what did you put on them?"

"Just some herbs and stuff." I shrug, popping a chip in my mouth. "I think I overcooked them a little, but they're quite nice crispy."

After a few adverts, the interview finally comes on the TV. Aidan and Mason sit on comfortable bean bags; Aidan's wearing his comfy clothes like I recommended to try and give a relaxed feeling to the interview, but Mason has turned up in his training gear. Well, at least they half stuck to my idea? Well, it was a team decision, and if Mason didn't change then what can they do? Mason looks ready and prepared for the interview, I can imagine he's had a few in the past that have given him experience with this kind of stuff. Aidan, on the other hand, looks agitated as he fidgets in his bean bag a little, which doesn't give him another space to faff about.

"Hey, I'm Aidan Hawke." Aidan starts off the interview with a bit of a squeaky voice, awkwardly waving into the camera.

"Hey, I'm Aidan Hawke!" Kai immediately mimics him in a high-pitched tone, causing me to hold back a chuckle as I sip my drink. "I forget that he's nineteen sometimes."

"What has that got to do with having a voice crack?" I scoff, taking a bit into my burger.

"Look at him, he's hardly hit puberty." Kai states, gesturing to the TV and making me laugh even more. "Not a single hair on his face."

"You're one to talk." I fire back.

"I've had facial hair before, I'll show you!" Kai says, reaching for his phone.

"Just shut up and watch the show!" I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Our first round is Social Media!" The interviewer asks, her voice sounding loud and clear next to the microphone. "I'm sure you're both on top of it?"

"I'm aware of it but not on top of it, I think?" Aidan shrugs quietly, looking to Mason for a better answer.

Liar, he's always on his phone as Cosmo's when we haven't got anyone to serve!

"Yeah, I look every now and again but not all the time." Mason nods, putting a hand on his chin.

"I'm sure you're both aware of this photo?" The interviewer asks.

Kai snorts as the infamous photo of me and Aidan coming out of the Chelsea FC changing room is put on a split screen for us; on the left hand side is the photo, and on the right is the rolling video of Mason and Aidan's live reaction. This photo has become my biggest demon, it just seems to follow me around no matter where I go! It feels like they've hyped up this photo so much that it's become bigger than the actual Carabao Cup, where it was taken? It hasn't of course, but it just feels like it, you know? Me and Kai watch as Aidan holds back a smirk, once again shifting uncomfortably in his bean bag. Mason laughs away at the photo, then looks to his nervous friend beside him.

Cosmo's Luck // 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now