She Just Doesn't Know When To Stop

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My wolf howled in desperation. 'Hey, hey,' I tried to soothe her, 'If he falls, we still have another one.'

She continued to cry for him. 'We liked him better!'

Did we now? I shut her out and steel myself. The moment came far to soon when Vaughn had Archer on the ground.

They had shifted into their wolven forms, Vaughn an ugly brown colour, Archers fur a beautifully sleek black. Vaughn pulled back his jaw, about to sink his teeth into the smaller wolf, and suddenly I knew what I had to do.

I threw a rock at his head.

Vaughn whipped around and glared in the direction of the crowd, forgetting about Archer. Archer looked at me and I mimed chewing my arm.

Archer understood and sank his snarling jaw into Vaughn's leg, pulling a hefty amount of fur off his leg. Archer growled and spit, flipping the other wolf over so he was on top of Vaughn's wolf.

In one swift motion, he reared his head foreword and sunk his massive jaws into Vaughn's throat.

The crowd cheered as Vaughn's body stilled and seized. Archer stared at the mess he had made of the other wolf. He howled at the swiftly rising moon. I moved to go to him, pulling Archer's fallen shorts over, when Vaughn twitched.

It was impossible that he was still alive. Maybe his wolf healed faster than most. Anyone else's wolf would not have been able to recover from it.

Vaughn made a sound like a growl, but it came out pathetically. Archer turned around and stared at the wolf, his furry face morphed into something terrifying.

I moved towards Archer. "No. Let him live. He'll be forced to die alone and you won't have his blood on your hands."

Archer growled and paced in front of the fallen wolf, his paws leaving dents in the freshly cut grass. "Let him go Archer."

He looked up at me, his green eyes now dark as night while he was in wolf form. The emotion I saw in those two eyes told me all I needed.

I nodded at him. "Seth, you got a towel or something?"

He threw me a thick blue blanket and I draped it over Archer's wolf. Another two seconds, and his head morphed into a human one. I handed him the shorts I still held and he rustled under the blanket, pulling them on.

When Archer emerged from beneath the heavy wool, I sucked in a breath. His chest was bare and muscled, a small trail of dark hair leading beneath his shorts. I blushed to think of what was underneath. His strong arms looked safe and inviting, I wanted him to hold me and tell me that he love me.

But that was ridiculous. I hated men and wasn't about to give up my single status for a mate.

'Not that he isn't attractive,' my wolf purred in response to my thoughts. 'He is one yummy wolf.' She said, as I blushed from her lusty thoughts.

'Lick your lips sweetie, you've got two of them.' Gently, she nudged me to look towards Seth, who joined us as we stood staring at the dying wolf.

"What do we do with him?" Seth asked.

Archer's eyebrows drew together and he pursed his lips in thought. "We'll take him to the outskirts of town, where the non-human wolves are. Let them have their way with him."

Archer was referring to the werewolves that had long ago lost their humanity. They had been stuck in wolf form for god knows how long, and with that came the price of the loss of their humanity. Not a single one of them would spare him a thought other than "dinnertime".

I shivered to think of being left with them. Personally, I thought that if it were me, I would rather be killed than spend five minutes with the dangerous wolves.

But it wasn't me, and I hated Vaughn, so I didn't really care. I felt a bit of pity for the man, but decided that he deserved it. He killed my father and who knows how many others.

"Let's hear it for the new Alpha!" Someone from the enourmous crowd screamed.

Shouts of "woo hoo" and "yeah" were heard in response.

'You should be celebrating too, hon, you've got a nice attractive mate to play with.' My wolf snickered.

'Ohh shush, you. First of all, we're not going to be 'playing', as you put it, and second of all, I don't care.' But honestly, I was kind of happy. I'd never admit it, but after all these years of 'waiting' and crying over stupid males, I'd finally found someone, or two someones, who could actually love me.

'I heard that.'

I cut off the link between my wolf and I. She was getting on my nerves. Way too much of a know it all.

"Ready to go?" I hear Archers voice cut into my thoughts.

"Where?" I ask.

"To get rid of my vermin of a brother. Hmm," he tapped his chin thoughtfully, "He should change his name from Vaughn to vermin. It suits him better."

"Oh c'mon, let's just get rid of him."

But I was wrong in thinking it was over.

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