the village

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Victoria's village was small but very happy. She had a lovely family, who loved and cared for her very much. Her mom was a basket weaver. She made all kinds of baskets and in a very small amount of time! Her father was a carpenter, he was always building new things or fixing up wagons, doors, floors, stuff like that. She had an older brother who was actually a teacher at the small school they had. Victoria helped a little in everything, but one of her favorite things to do was to go to the school and help out her brother. Victoria wasn't at all like the girls in her village, she was unusually strong. Not to mention at how well she swam and caught fish with her bare hands! The girls in her village would cook, clean, make clothes, blankets, or pick all the crops. Men did those things as well. Some would make plates, bowls, eating utensils, tables, chairs, clothes hangers. Others would fish, make wagons, bed frames, boats, sails, stuff like that. Everyone would pitch in and do something to help with something. Everyone would help so much around the village. Anyways, Victoria loved helping out her older brother in school, she would help the kids with homework, art projects, or personal projects. She loved helping the kids, and she was always taking care of them. It was almost as if she was like a village mother, she was always helping and taking care of the kids or the elders. Victoria had the kindest, sweetest, and kindest heart. Everyone respected her so much! Soon Victoria came of age, she was now able to marry whoever she chose, when she did come of age a lot of villagers send her family letters for victorias hand in marriage. What no one knew, was that there small happy village was being watched. Victoria had a best friend named kirishima, he had been with her since they were kids. He was always around her, they loved each other like siblings. Of course Victoria's older brother didn't trust kirishima at first but with time he did. When Victoria came of age, both kirishima and Toby would do some serious inspections with all the boys who proposed to Victoria. Victoria didn't mind it all, she actually found it quiet funny, she loved her brothers very much and enjoyed watching them test her future fiancée. "You two should take a break! Come on, I made lunch for you guys. Leave the poor guys alone, they deserve a break also from all of your crazy tasks haha." Victoria invited the boy in for lunch, he sat down next her and smiled. Thanking her for the meal.

Victoria was born in a time of tragedy, war and slavery. There lands were split between 4 colonies, cat people, dragons, humans, and last but not least demons.
There is a secret in her family that only her parents and her brothers know...they haven't told her yet since they just don't know how she would react...but Victoria was actually born a half dragon. She's a dragon on her father's side, her mother was human. Her parents were friends with the current kings parents, Victoria is actually engaged to the current dragon king. Kirishima himself is actually a dragon himself, the reason he doesn't seem like it is because he had disappeared for almost 2 years training to hide his dragon features, not to mention how to fight as well. Kirishima is the dragon kings knight, when the dragon king turned 5, his parents told him about Victoria and that they were to be married when she came of age. Victoria is just a year younger then him, when kirishima disappeared he was actually training with the dragon king. He asked kirishima to watch over Victoria, kirishima accepted the task. Victoria's parents were murdered, before her mother was killed she took Victoria to her friends house and asked them to raise her as if she were there own daughter. They agreed to what she had asked of them, she kissed Victoria's forehead one last time before leaving and disappearing.

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