chapter 20

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"Dinner time, Bucky!" Steve says, walking into the room. Bucky is still playing with his toys on the rug.

"Nuh-uh, I playing!" Bucky says, not even looking up.

"Let's go, Buck."

"No dinner!" Bucky whines.

"Yes dinner. You've gotta eat, baby." Steve says, walking over and picking the little up off the rug. Bucky whines and kicks his legs.

"Oh, cheer up, Buck. We'll have a nice yummy dinner and meet some friends."

"Friends?" Bucky asks curiously, forgetting to be fussy.

"Yeah, my friends. The Avengers." Steve says.

He walks over to the changing table and lays Bucky on it, quickly changing him and slipping some pants on him.

"I think my friend Pepper made spaghetti." Steve says, picking Bucky up.

They get in the elevator and go down to the common floor. Everyone is already waiting at the table, and Pepper is at the stove.

Bucky immediately holds on tighter to Steve and buries his face in his neck.

"Aw, he's shy." Natasha says. "Don't be shy, Bucky. You remember me, don't you?"

Bucky turns his head a little to peek out at her. "Tata." He says quietly, sucking on his fingers.

"Yes, it's Tata. Good remembering, Bucky." Natasha coos.

"Oh, Bucky's here!" Pepper squeals, hurrying into the room. "Oh my gosh, he's so cute! Tony, isn't he cute?"

"Adorable." Tony says flatly without looking up from his phone.

 "Hello, Bucky. I'm Pepper." Pepper says cheerfully. 

 Bucky manages a tiny wave before burying his face into Steve's neck again.

 "Aww, how cute! Don't be scared, sweetie. We're all good people here. Dinner's almost ready, do you want to come sit?"

 "Thank you, Pepper." Steve says. He goes to the table and picks an empty seat. Bucky stays clinging to him in his lap as the Avengers watch.

 Suddenly everyone starts trying to talk to Bucky but he doesn't want to. He whines squeezing daddy trying to snuggle closer. He's glad when Pepper says dinner is ready because then everyone focuses on that instead. 

 The spaghetti is really yummy, but Bucky gets it all over his face and hands and all down his shirt. Everyone thinks it's cute, which Bucky thinks is weird because he's just trying to eat.

 Tony makes a face and tells Steve to make Bucky use a fork. Pepper tells Tony to leave them alone.

 Daddy does get some on the fork and feed him bites then. It's still yummy but Bucky liked using his hands better.

 After everyone is done eating Pepper gives Steve a wet cloth, which he uses to wipe Bucky’s hands and face. Bucky whines and squirms. Steve takes Bucky's shirt off too since its covered in spaghetti sauce.

 Steve gets up and tries to put Bucky down but Bucky clings and starts crying. 

 Everyone coos at him and Tony just rolls his eyes.

 "Aww, he wants to stay with daddy." Natasha comments. 

 "I think all the attention is a bit much for him." Steve says, rubbing Bucky's back. Bucky sniffles snuggling into Steve's chest and puts his thumb in his mouth. 

 Daddy talks to everyone for a long time and Bucky is starting to get bored. He starts whining a bit and squirming but daddy just rubs his back and asks him if he needs a change. Bucky pouts and shakes his head no. He's a little wet but not enough to be uncomfortable and need a change. He just wants daddy to hurry up so he can go play with his toys again.

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