chapter 18

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 "Are you really sure about this?" Sam asked.

 "Yes, Sam. After what happened I just can't risk anyone else coming after Bucky. This is the best choice for us. The Tower is probably the most secure building in the world, plus with the other Avengers there, I know he'd be protected no matter what."

 Steve sighs and adds another stack of folded clothes to his suitcase. 

 "Daddy done?" Bucky asks, walking into the bedroom.

 "No baby. Almost." Steve says.

 "I completely understand and respect your decision, Steve. I just wish I'd had more time to prepare." Sam says.

 "I know, I'm sorry. I just can't sit around here knowing they know where he is."

 "Moving." Bucky says.

 "That's right, baby bear." Says Steve. 

 "Uncle Sammy come too?" Bucky asks.

 "No, I don't think so. Uncle Sam lives here. We were just visiting for a while."  Says Steve.

 "No, I'm coming." Sam says firmly. 

 "Huh?" Steve asks, confused. 

 "I, I just, I mean before, I thought, you know, I was fine by myself. Things were good. I thought I was fine without needing a little to care for. But Bucky being here has changed that. I realized now that taking care of Bucky has been the happiest I've been in a long time." Sam says. "I'm not ready to give that up. I'm a caregiver. I need to care. It's in my nature. I'm coming too. I just need a little more time. Give me a few weeks. I just need to make some arrangements, figure out what to do with all this." Sam says, gesturing around him at the house and all the furniture. "Tell Stark when you get there I'll be there soon."

 "Of course, Sam. I'm sure he'll be happy to have you." Steve says with a smile. "Just be ready, I'm sure Fury will try to recruit you to join the Avengers Initiative."

 "Can't wait." Sam says.

 "Yay!" Bucky squeals. "Daddy, uncle Sam coming too!"

 "Yeah, Buck. He is."

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