ch9 the shoe must go on

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the bell rings from my phone for ashlynn's shoe shop to open. me and maddie get up from the small cafe and we walk into the store. i let her disappear, looking all over the shop. the shoe placement is nice. very hexcellent. i see a pair of [shoe type], that i really like. i mean they could match my style. 

walking over, i see ashlynn and hunter?! holy tinker. 

"you ready for that hug hero?"

"how about a kiss-" pesky jumps into my arms, making me look at ashlynn and hunter, who both look at me. 

"i'm going to go now. be safe kids-"

"please don't tell anyone, n/n," ashlynn says to me. "i don't want anyone to find out yet," i smile at her. 

"maybe if you let me have those shoes for free," i joke, pointing to the shoes. ashlynn laughs, looking at hunter who shrugs with a smile. 

"sure, tinker,"

"thank you, cinder. and your secret is safe with me,"

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