ch1 diary entry #no1

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your pov


i take my pen and my diary, the one that my mama gave me just before she left.  

mama says i should write a diary

no idea why but yk i guess i will

hi, i'm y/n bell, daughter of tinkerbell

and i have no idea what my destiny is or will be.

my mama says i might be the next queen of the fairies at fairy hollow

but there's already another queen of fairies so i don't know

and some say that i might be the next tinkerbell

but peter pan didn't have any kids so....

i'm extremely lost

anyway, tomorrow

i'm going to eah[ever after high] and i'm going to see some of my closest friends

which is very hexcellent

i defo missed raven

"it is way past your bedtime missy," mama says as she leans on my open door. "just because i gave you a diary doesn't mean you can't sleep,"

"i will sleep!" i say. 

"uh huh," she smiles at me. "aunt vidia is going to take you the border to get you to ever after high as she's a-"

"wind fairy, yeah mum. i know. i'm one of the only people that can keep up with her; yes, yes. she didn't race me every day from since i was four for nothing,"

mama walk over to me and sits on my green covered bed. she gives me a hug. 

"my little one's all grown up," she says. 

"mum, i'm not grown up," i say, giving her a hug back. "i'm just fifteen. that's it,"

"and i'm twenty three," mum says, letting me out of the hug. she looks at me, putting her hand on my face. i lean into her warm hand. "i just...i just want you to be safe,"

"and i will be, mum. i will call you and text you everytime i can," i say. "plus you've met raven and maddie already so you know who my bestfriends are,"

"i know, i know," mum says. "i'll miss you, bug,"



"i told you-"

"told me what? not to call you bug anymore? come on, bug. time to go to sleep,"

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