Chapter 1:Beginning

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Edited: 8/12/16

Serena sat in her family car bored to death as she stare out the window.

"Aren't you excited Serena? This is one of the best boarding schools in all of japan!"

Her mother smiled at Serena who turned to her from the front of the car.

"Yah, a little... I guess."

Serena replied smiling a little at her mother before she turned back to the window bored.

"How is it that they accepted someone as idiotic as you into this school? Did they run out of scholarships for smart people and start handing out ones for people who always run late, eat their weight in donuts and cry?"

Serena's little brother said, looking up from his video game at his sister. Serena glared at him from the corner of her eyes as her mother scolded the young boy.

"Sammy! Enough, Serena tries her hardest in school and thats why she was accepted."

Sam looked away and went back to playing his game as his sister looked back out the window remembering how she actually got accepted.



Serena casually skipped as she made her way home after another typical day of running late, tripping over her feet and nearly getting detention in school. Even though her day had a somewhat bad start, she couldn't be happier. She had gotten at least a C+ on last weeks english test and she couldn't be happier. She skipped down the street humming happly to herself before she stopped at a stop light. She pulled her english paper out and checked her paper again to make sure that she wasn't just imagining her grade.

She looked and saw a big C+ on the right corner. Serena smiled before she looked up at the light turned green. She casually crossed the street when she spotted an elderly man trying to balance two grocery bags and a walking cane in his hands. Serena stopped in her tracks when she made it on the other side of the street.

She noticed no one stopping to help the elderly man who accidently dropped a bag, his apples and orangers rolling out of the bag and on to the street. She placed her paper into her bag walked over to help as he began pick up his fruit.

"Here, let me help."

She said as she began to quickly pick up the fruit with both her hands, and putting them back into the bag as the elderly man stood up with the help of his cane.

"Well thank you young lady. That's really kind of you."

Serena smiled as she picked up both grocery bags and her book bag into her hands.

"No problem."

The man smiled back as he showed her to his car a few feet away. He opened the trunk of his car and Serena placed the bags inside before closing the door. The man smiled again as he turned to Serena.

"Thank you again, there has to be a way I can repay you for your kindness young lady."

Serena smiled back.

"No its ok, you don't have to do anything. I was happy to help."

She bowed to the man and began to walk away, when the heel of her shoe was somehow caught in the a street drain grates causing her to trip. She accidently dropped her book bag and all her stuff fell out on to the ground. Serena cried before she stood up and began to pick up her stuff from the ground. The elderly man kneeled down and began to help her pick up her stuff.

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