"Let me get going its late now." says Aphiwe. We all bid our farewells and go our separate ways. Me and Aphelele stay rooted where we are and turn to look at each other. "You good?" he asks and i nod. "I'm cool wena." I answer. (you.) "I'm good."

"The fact we said that famous phrase together." I say and we chuckle. "It made me want to laugh but i remembered where i am." "Mr Ayabonga Mngomezulu's house." "Are you sure you okay?" "I'm okay. Are you sure you okay." "Ngiyaphila. You must remove your wig i miss your afro."(I'm good.) "I will tomorrow. My head has to tolerate the wig for one more day." He laughs.

"Let me get going." he says. "Sharp butiza." I say. He gets in the car and drives off. I walk to my car and get inside and sigh. I don't know what has gotten into my dad's head when he wants us to go to war with Khozas. Somethings are not worth it in all honesty and this is one of them. I sigh again and drive back to my place.


I wake up and do my morning routine and wear a black pencil skirt with a matching blazer and heels and a white shirt. I make myself breakfast and go through the evidence one last time so i know i have everything I need and didn't leave anything behind.

After eating i wash my plate and head out to court where I'll be meeting my client. Luckily the case is now so i can take a half day if I want too but the chances of me doing that are slim because I'm addicted to work. I get there after twenty minutes and the paparazzi are already there doing their useless jobs.

"Ms Mngomezulu how are you?" "You look fabulous today!" "Can you be my valentine!" I wanted to laugh but i held it in. "How does your client feel!" "Is he going to jail?" "How are you?!"  He gets out of the car and his guards protect him from the paprazzi. "Uright?" he asks. (Are you good?) "I'm okay wena."(you.) "Could've been better." "It will be okay." We get inside the court and i wear my gown. "I'm going to the toilet, I'll be back." He nods and i walk to the bathroom.

I get inside the bathroom and do my business and  fix my make up. I give myself a pep talk and walk back out. As i was walking back the prosecutor pulls me towards his direction.

"What do you want?" I ask. "You will lose this case." "Couldn't you have said that while i was passing by." "You think you better then everyone ne." "I don't think i know i am. How many cases have you won so far?" He rolls his eyes and lets go of me. I smile at him and leave. Imagine the audacity of this fool.

I sit at my seat and wait for the judge to come. My personal assistant takes out her book to jot down a few notes that might help us with the case. "Are you ready?" she asks. "Yeah."

"All rise." says the police. We all stand up and the judge walks in and sits down. "You may sit. Case number 117744, Maphumulo vs Dladla." He hands the docket to the judge and she opens it to take a look at what's inside.

"Prosecutor you can start." she says. He stands up with a smirk on his face and i roll my eyes. Nothing more depressing then seeing an overly confident person that has never won a case. "I would like to call in the corona who was examining the cause of death of the victim." he says. The guy stands up and walks to the seat and lifts his hand up. "You promise to speak the truth nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policeman. "I promise." He puts his hand on the bible and the policeman nods.

"I would like for you to introduce yourself to the court and tell us what you do." says Dumakude (Prosecutor)."My name is Francis Miya and i am a corona." "Do you know the victim we are talking about today." "Yes his name is Siyacela Dladla." "What was his cause of death?" "Two gunshots to the head and chest." "Would you say this is a random killing or a crime of passion?" "A crime of passion."

"While examining him did you find any evidence that could lead us to the killer?" "The gun that was used was a 22 calibur pistol." "Was there any DNA evidence?" "Yes." "What did you find?" "A fingerprint of an unidentified person." "Can we take swabs to test if it matches the defendant?" "Yes." Dumakude nods. "No more questions your honour." says Dumakude. "Defense?" asks the judge. I stand up and walk to the front.

"How long have you been a corona?" I ask. "20..25 years." "Between 20-25 years." "Yes." "Like you said a 22 calibur pistol was used. Was there anything out of the ordinary like scratches besides the unidentified fingerprint." "No. It looks like he was attacked unknowingly and the person checked if his dead by checking his pulse hence the fingerprint. It also looks like he got killed after dinner cause his food wasn't fully digested." "Okay. Do you think my client did it?" He looks at my client "No." "Can we take swabs after this to test if the DNA found on the scene matches with my clients." "We can take it." I nod. "No more questions your honour."

"Anymore evidence?" asks the judge. "No." we say together. "Swabs will be taken once court is adjourned. Court is adjourned. Date for the next session is 23 March, 11:45 am." She stands up and leaves. We all stand up and walk out of court.

The police approach us and we head inside and they take the necessary swabs and we are given permission to leave. We get outside and the paparazzi are flashing their cameras at us. I get that they are doing their job but this is too much for some of us. "How did it go!?" "Is he guilty?!" "It is non of your business please give us space and privacy." I say.

"How long will we wait for the results?" asks Nkosana (client.) "A few weeks but we will receive a call from them to let us know the results." I answer. "If they don't match what will happen." "The case will be dropped and they will have to continue investigating and find the actual killer." He nods.

"I'll see you ladies next time." he says. "Bye. I'll call you when we get the results." I say and he nods and gets into his car. "I'll see you at the office." says Jessica. "Did you come with a uber?" "Yes." "Come we'll go together. Should have told me i would have fetched you from your house." "Didn't wanna bother you." I roll my eyes. I was actually lying she saved me a lot of petrol money by not asking.

We get into my car and i drive off to work. I was contemplating if i should take a day off or stay at work. But taking the day off means i could finally unplait my hair and wash it. If i stay i get to use the work's wifi to get things done instead of using my own. I'll just stay at work. Data is expensive after all.


I get inside my house and switch on the lights. My tummy grumbles "I know i will feed you now now." Talking to yourself is so comforting. I take out my heels and wig and throw them somewhere. Its been a long day and I'm fucking tired. I'm too lazy to cook so i order takeaways which gives me time to unplait my cornrows.

After an hour i was done and i wear my pjamas. There is a knock on the door and i open it to see its the food. I pay the guy and he thanks me and leaves. I take out my food and start eating.

I take out my laptop and go through my emails to see if there is anything new. My phone rings and i answer it.

"Hello." The line was silent but i could hear sombody breathing. "Hello?" The line goes dead.

The fuck is going on?

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