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Takao lunges for Vidanya, a glowing orb of Purple spawning from his hand. Y/n limps as fast as she can, her skin burnt. Her emotions, adrenaline all she lives on in the moment.

She hit the ground, just as the weapon sizzles her gut. Her blood boiled to its climax, she was dead. As dead as she could ever be, her body had slunk in an uncomfortable position. Her back bones in disarray from the blast.

Her green haired companion, who had been by her side from the beginning let out a ripping cry if agony, her knees slammed against marble stone soaked with her lover's ichor. Takao stood stunned, his hands shook.

How could he?

He killed the girl he loved while attacking her friend...

He was a monstrosity, his heart ached. It burned, he'd never live to see the smile reach her eyes, or nose crinkle while she laughed.

If he couldn't see that after thousands of years, then he shouldn't be living at all.

"Celestial Awakening..."

Before Vidanya could turn around to see her rival, he had also hit the ground. Enhanced blood slinking onto the steps of her palace, his body entangled with Y/n's mangled mesh.

Even in death, he had still beaten the greenette at being by her side.

She couldn't stand it. In the afterlife, she'd be the one to care for Y/n and no one else.

The h/c-nette's spear ran through her body in a swift motion, no one beats Vidanya.

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