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Vidanaya raised her head, finally the cost was clear. She slid off her pedestal, and slipped through the doors. Her old palace had changed, it was covered in vast kinds of jewels and many ores of high values. She shivered, the lack of nature had effected her greatly. Her ability to sense her Gnosis had degraded slightly, but she could steel feel it's prescence within the castle. Foot steps approached and she trasnformed into a human, her dress also Cobalt. It was just a servant, one with seafoam green eyes and dark blue curls. How familar. Vida followed behind her in silence, the girl led her to the throne room which held loads of statues, paintings and books. Vidanya's existence was very noticeable, yet the girl didn't aknowledge her at all.

Until, she stopped and turned towards the greenette. She was pulled behind a pillar and lips smashed against her.

"Vidanya, help me. Please, get your Gnosis and heal me. Give the orders and I'll get your throne back, that idiot is wrapped around my finger. Sorry about this kiss too, I don't want that bastard overhearing us."

"It's alright, I don't mind. I'll save you, I swear. Come on, let's go."

The two parted, Y/n as stoick as always and Vidanya a pink, flustered mess. Y/n escorted Vida into the room with the Lord, the h/c-nette gave a curtsy; she turned to the guest. a flicker of recognition flew to her features, her green haired companion noticed. She felt Y/n's heart race, she was very happy to ee the purplette stranger.

Was this perhaps? No, it couldn't be. After all Vida had gotten rid of him years ago, millions of years ago.

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