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Scaramouche groans once again, he had finally made it to Ceriane with the brat after a whole extra two days because their balloon popped and they were out of food for a while. Luckily, a nice young couple patched up their balloon and sent them off with some food so they could make it to the City.

But, Ceriane ,the 2/3 of the journey mark, had one downfall. Childe was there and he had a mission to return Scaramouche to the Fatui without Anastasia.

The blonde girl made friends with him quickly until he said he had to take Scaramouche away. So, for half their trip to the ferry port, Childe was held at firey bow point for 30 minutes by a 5 year old.

The look in the tangerine's eyes said he was traumatized for life and it really didn't help that Teucer, his little brother had snuck off a Harbinger blimp when Childe wasn't looking.

Scaramouche hated the kid, he was an exact copy of Childe and he once stole Scara's hat. He almost killed Teucer right then and there for it. Scaramouche's hat is sacred, infact she made it for him.

'She? Who is she?' Scaramouche thought.

E/c eyes.

H/l h/c hair.

Sweet smile.

Bloodstained armor-

"Agh!" Scaramouche clutched his head, feeling a sudden migraine coming on.

"Big brother!"

Forgotten (Scaramouche x Reader) | ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin