The End Of This Book

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D a n i e l

Things got worse.

I make my way to the bar and park my car by the bar. I walk in and I see his face.


I'm supposed to beat him up on Friday. I got a telling he'll be a no-show.

I stare at him as I sit down and order a beer, I grab my lighter and cigarette.
I look up when I hear someone sit next to me. "What do you want?" I roar.

"I want you to admit it" Thiago started as I light my cigarette. "Admit what?"

Wait for it...

"I want you to admit that you miss me"

There it is. "I don't miss you I hate you" I inhale. "I don't believe you"
I roll my eyes annoyed by his presence "how do you know huh asshole"

"Your little minion told me" he chuckles "she's quite pretty, that one"

I grab his neck "don't talk about her or you won't have a mouth to speak" I threaten him "ok ok" he looks at me, "fine" he mouths.

I drink my beer "get away from me or else I will beat you and cut you in pieces"

He laughs and walks away.
No one talks about her like that.

"You asshole!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and my eyes widen when I see her. 

"Olivia?" I stand up when she walks towards me crying. "You used me" She sobs. "Sweetheart I use a lot of girls" I'm not lying. 

I wince when I feel a sharp pain. Did she slap me? No one slaps me.

"you're gonna pay, woman" I stare at her and gasps when she realizes "please, no I'm sorry!"

A u s t i n

it's already been many years since Bella's passed and I still miss her. I sigh and open her door. I let tears fall down my face when I walk into her room. 

I see her perfume, I see her makeup and I see her bed made. 

She will never get to use any of her stuff ever again. she won't get to eat her favorite food or hug me ever again. 

She's gone and she's not coming back. 

S a g e

I open my phone and gasp when I see a video of Daniel in the bar. "Hit hit someone!" I stand up and yell. "Sage, what is it?" I hear Austin say. 

WhoopsI yelled too loud. "Oh, nothing- uh I'm gonna head out," I say and run to my car. I have to go get him. 

He even hit a woman. 

I'm going to kill this boy. 


After I entered the bar I see Daniel with blood all over his face and shirt. "Shit, Daniel what happened?" I say worried. 

"I think I just saw my mother" he looks at me with teary eyes. 

Well, fuck me

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