Rain On A Sunday

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Recap: Hey, can we talk?

It's raining. 

When I was pregnant with Sage Myles, and I would always sit by the window and see the raindrops race. But, I guess he's not here. 

Last night Myles texted me for the first time in three years. But why now? 

After three years why does he want to text me now? I haven't told sage nor texted Myles back. I don't know what to do. I'm sinking in the present and past. 

Lately, it's been really hard. 

With Sage asking questions about Myles. What do I say? I don't know what to do. I'm really struggling. I feel like bursting into a million tears but I have to smile and be brave for sage.

I have to. 


I open my eyes when I feel Sage grab my hands "Mommy wake up" She whispers. "yes baby" I look at her. "I hear something and now I'm scared, can I sleep with you" I hear her look at me scared. 

I make room for her. "Of course baby" Then when she lays next to me I massage her head until she falls asleep next to me. 

The thing keeping me awake is Myles. I can't stop thinking about what he said. Why after three years does he want to talk?

I hear sage snore softly and I smile and kiss her head. Sage even snores like Myles. 

I snort at that thought close my eyes and try to sleep. 


I hear the door open and I see Myles walking towards me drunk and tumbling. I groan and I see Myles with two empty beers of wine. 

I told him not to come home drunk.

"Myles," I say pissed. 

Myles plops on the floor and starts laughing. "Babe guess what I jus-" But I interrupt him. "Myles!" I yell louder.

Myles hits the floor and gets up and looks at me "What" he looks at me upset. "I told you I'm having our baby and I don't want you coming home drunk!" My voice echoes and I regret yelling when I don't hear Myles say anything. 

"I'm trying I'm really trying," he says 

"Well, obviously not enough," I gasp when I feel a sharp pain in my face. Myles hit me. I feel tears coming and I sob. 

I can't believe he hit me. He promised he wouldn't ever hit me. I cry and cry louder as the pain becomes bigger. I touch my face and I see blood on my hands.


He hit me so hard I started bleeding. I wipe my tears and run to my room. I slam the door and start putting all my clothes in my extra grey suitcase. 

I promised myself if Myles ever touched me I would Leave him, especially with our baby.


I open my eyes and gasp for air. 

I have to text Myles. I need to tell him we can't talk. Ever again. 

I check my bed and I see sage still sleeping. I grab my phone and see the light blur me, damn it's three in the morning. 

Well, for him it's seven in the morning. 

I open my messages and see an unknown number. 

Unknown: Hey! It's daniel's dad. Daniel was playing with your daughter yesterday. let me know if we can arrange something.

Oh him! The tall handsome guy.

I start to write 'hey how are you but I delete it in cringe. "What do I say?" I ask myself. I start typing. 

Me: Hi! I remember Sage playing with Daniel, Sage really likes him I would love to talk about a play date!

I send it and close my phone. I lay back down falling into my bed and I exhale. Why does love have to be so complicated?

I hear Sage mumble and I smile. "At least I have my baby"  I whisper and head to sleep next to Sage.

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