"I heard what happened. He's pretty hurt and bummed out about it. Have you guys still not talked yet?" The younger Hamada asked and you shook your head.

"We've been avoiding each other. It's been two weeks and I feel horrible Hiro. I regret telling him that I don't feel the same way. When he confessed I got scared that by being with him I would be putting him in danger. He means so much to me and I just wish everything could go back to the way it was before." You sniffled, putting your head in your hands.

"I'm so sorry. Tadashi still cares about you though. He's doesn't like not talking to you, I guess it's still a little hard for him. He really likes you. You guys should just talk it out." Hiro encouraged and you nodded.

"I guess I should try to talk to him. I hate this."

"Good. Do you need anything? Like water or something?" Hiro offered and you smiled at his generosity.

"I'm okay, thanks. Go back to sleep, sorry for waking you." Hiro nodded before leaving and slipping back into his bed.

You pulled the covers back over yourself, but you knew there was no way you were getting anymore sleep tonight.

*** (•ー•) ***

You were in the living room reading a robotics book, thinking of ideas for your project. You wanted to create something that would wow the judges away, but you knew you would need some help. When you heard footsteps coming down the stairs you turned to see Tadashi rushing down the stairs. You tossed the book on the table before standing up quickly, dusting off your shirt. Tadashi stopped for a second as your eyes met.

"Hey." you breathed out.


You cleared your throat and gave him a small smile, "Are you free later? I wanna talk."

"Yeah. Meet me at SFIT for lunch?" Tadashi asked scratching the back of his neck and you nodded.

"Okay, I have to go but I'll see you later." Tadashi gave you a small smile before grabbing his bag and walking out the door.

You were going to talk to him, and tell him the truth about how you felt. Although the thought of being able to talk to Tadashi again made you happy, you couldn't shake of the troubled feeling you got from the dream.

You spent the most of the morning helping Aunt Cass and working on your project with Hiro. When the clock struck noon, you grabbed a couple of pastries before making your way out of the Lucky Cat Cafe. You walked down the streets of San Fransokyo feeling nervous but excited.

"(Y/n)" Someone sang out your name and you stopped in your tracks. You turned your head confused, but when you didn't see anything you continued walking.

When you heard it again but this time coming from a dark alleyway you squinted, trying to see the figure that stood in the back. "Who is that?"

"I'm coming for him." The person snickered and yours eyes widened.



You turned dropping your bag of pastries and broke out into a sprint when you saw the winged creature rush towards the direction of SFIT. Your feet hit the pavement in fast beats as you tried to beat the creature to the college. You panted, feeling the iron on your tongue but you refused to stop until you got there.

When you finally reached the open campus you rushed through the grass field trying to find Tadashi as you kept a look out for the monster. You ran up the stairs that led into the building before sprinting towards the elevator.

"(Y/n)?" You turned to see Honey.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked and you rushed over to her.

"Honey, have you seen Tadashi?"

She nodded before pointing towards the back door. "He's out on the grass. He said he was waiting for you to meet him for lunch."

Honey was about to ask you something else but you ran off before she could finish. You pushed open the double doors and ran out onto the field. "Tadashi?"

"Tadashi!" You called out as you looked around.

Oh no no no. Please tell me I'm not too late.

"(Y/n)?" Someone said before you accidentally tripped and ran into them.

"Oof!" You both grunted as you landed on the ground with a thud, your limbs tangled.

You looked up noticing you were face to face with Tadashi. Your cheeks burned from the heat of running but the wave of relief that washed over you when you saw Tadashi made you smile. You wrapped you arms around him, hugging him tight.

"Thank god. I thought I wouldn't make it." You mumbled into his neck as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Tadashi asked worried as he sat up on the grass, pulling you along with him.

"No. I need to apologize for something. I lied." You sighed letting go of him and looking him in the eyes.

"About what?" He asked curiously, straightening up to give you his full attention.

"When I said I didn't feel the same way about you, I lied. Tadashi I really really like you. And I hate that I hurt you and we stopped talking for weeks. I panicked when you confessed and I lied about how I felt because I thought it was what was best. But I was so wrong and I'm so sorry. I want to be with you Tadashi, I really-"

You were cut off when Tadashi pulled you close, pressing his soft lifts to yours. You melted into his touch, as you ran your fingers through his hair. Too soon for your liking, you both pulled away to breath. You looked at Tadashi and smiled at his grinning face.

"You don't have to apologize, because you just gave me the best news ever." You hugged Tadashi again, totally forgetting the monster that was supposedly after Tadashi.


Two Different Heroes (Tadashi × Reader) (Completed!/editing)Where stories live. Discover now