How to Bible study?

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Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35

Learn to Bible study in these do-able steps:

♣Disciple yourself

"No Bible, No Breakfast, No read, no feed." Ray Comfort

A must watch! It will really motivate you!

♣If you complain about having a hectic schedule, try getting up a little earlier than usual. 

♣Find a quiet spot.

♣Before you begin reading, pray for protection from temptation and distraction, as well as for wisdom, understanding, and revelation.

♣Begin slowly- If you begin yawning with the Bible open. Try reading to see how much you can read.

♣Build up to it- It's spiritual warfare, so pray to God. Tell Him how sensitive you are to sin, and this will serve as a reminder to get down on your knees and pray frequently.

♣I would advise you to keep a journal/book by your side to write down what you understand from the passage you read or what God has taught you.

Note: It was very difficult for me to read the Bible when I was a beginner. It's strange because I grew up in church and it wasn't until I was saved that God had to literally remind me to read the Bible. When I first started, I had the most ridiculous thoughts. It was as if a part of me was kicking and stamping on the Bible. The sensations were so strange that I couldn't help but shake them away. Later, I realised that I had demons inside of me that fed on the sins I committed. It took me months to overcome this, but I won the war through the power of God!

♣You can use highlighters to draw attention to important verses. For example, because I battle with pride, I've underlined passages in the Bible that counsel against it. So whenever I'm having trouble with it, I just open my Bible and there it is.

♣Use Bible study resources such as the Blue Bible app, Bible hub, Logos Bible Software,, and Bible study guides, among others.

♣I keep a Bible journal in which I write down scripture verses. Ex: God's nature, miracles, prayers, love, hell, etc. At that point, God personally pressed on my heart because people would ask me to quote verses that they didn't understand, so instead of searching the Bible and being dissatisfied when I didn't find the perfect passage, I wrote down a separate physical copy of each topic's verses.

♣Study the Bible rather than just reading it. It is a Christian's core lesson, and we must know it thoroughly and ponder on it at all times. Ray Comfort's explanation is fantastic (from the video above). Don't disregard anything you don't comprehend. Ask God for guidance; he is the source of all wisdom.

♣The most crucial thing to remember is to pray, God will teach you how to confidently practise His words with knowledge and reverence. When you are tempted to act in the flesh, ask the Holy Spirit to empower you and remind you of the scriptures.

♣Invite your friends and family to join you in a Bible study. Pray and rejoice in God's presence.


JF Abraham


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