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Hello, everybody! Thank you for picking this book as your reading selection.

I've been praying to God practically every day, telling Him that no matter what happens today, I want to learn more about Him and the truth about Him. He's never let me down when it comes to revealing Himself to me. To be honest, I don't have an apologetics degree or have attended a Bible college or seminary. I am an ordinary Christian who reads the Christian genre on a daily basis.

The major goal of this book was to assist Christians (old and new) in following Christ via faith rather than feelings. We have a lot of evidence to back up the Bible's claims, and I'll try to go over it chapter by chapter here.

I am a bad person with flaws and sins who has been saved by Christ's blood. I, like you, could be completely wrong, but our major goal here is to discover the truth, which is Jesus, the only truth, and we must do it with humility and gentleness. I believe that theological disagreements are healthy and that no Christian should be told to suppress their questions. (In the following chapters, I'll expand on this.)

A small note to my WCWRC Club - You can review any chapter, not just the first few. 

Subscribe to my Newsletter for early access, it's free. (Link in my bio)

I hope you like my fourth book as much as I have enjoyed writing it.


JF Abraham


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