New Girl

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From The View of Lillian Green

Me and Hayden stood standing by the door as the "normal" teenagers chatted inside. His gray eyes looked around nervously as I chewed on the piece of gum, trying to figure out what to do. If people found out he was being abused mentally and physically by his parents he'd be taken away from us-me. I couldn't let that happen, he was my best friend, and I couldn't lose him. With how shy he is he could neer last by himself, and neither could I. 

Out of no where a medium height girl turned the corner to enter the class room, and tripped over Haydens and my outstretched legs. The other students burst out in laughter while Hayden instantly got down on to his hands and knees to help her.

"I'm so sorry," he started, but she instantly pushed his hand away, which pushed up his sleeve. His eyes widen and he quickly covered it again, but it was clear she had seen the purple scar that had once been a cut on his arm. Before she could say anything Mrs. Beth entered, and we took off to our seats at the back of the classroom. When I looked back up to the front of the class room  whatever-her-name was still on her butt. 

"Goodmorning class, I know we're only two days into the new year but we already have a new student. This is Jude Stiles, and I hope you treat her with.... respect. Lillian, she will be joining you and Hayden at your table...." she told us, before instantly going into work and what we'd be doing today. 

I sighed and Hayden looked at me worried, and I could clearly already hear his voice asking, Lilian, what are we going to do? I only sighed and tried to smile as she sat down on the other side of me. What where we going to do?

Hayden sat across from me as we worked on our English project. He kept pushing at his chin legthed curly blond hair annoyed.

"Hayden, it isn't going to stay there, you know that right?" I asked, pushing my own curly brunnet hair behind me ear. He just sighed and sat back. He kept pulling on his sleeves all day, as if they were going to fly open and show his scars to the world. 

"Well it might if I was aloud to cut my hair," he snorted. 

"Well it isn't my fault that you can't cut your hair, it's your parents," I snorted back. In that second he was on his feet and slapped me across my face.

"Well if you figured out how to get me away from my stupid mother and my fantastic dad I wouldn't be in this problem!" he yelled, and I felt the feeling of a tear running down my cheek. I tried to cover it up but he saw it and instantly slapped himself in his head.  "My fathers beginning to wear off on me. I really need to get away. I'm sorry, I know your doing all you can," he told me. His own tears began to slide down his cheeks, and I couldn't feel the horrible feeling still in my chest. 

"Don't worry, we'll eventually get you away," I whispered, getting up and walking behind him, wrapping my arms around him. That's when the door opened and Mrs. Bedstrong, Hayden's mother and the school's gym teacher came through the doors.

"Here you are Freak, come on, it's time to go home." With that she turned back around and left. Hayden got up and hugged me and I rubbed his back.

"We'll get you away, I promise." With a kiss on his cheek I let him go and he took off after his mother. Really, what we're we going to do? 


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