Chapter V: We Get A Warning

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Phoenix Drakos

All right, Pole, recording's back on. Don't break your own rules you just told me. I interrupted you only because you missed out an important detail.

Apollo Drakos

I did not-

Phoenix Drakos

And now you just spat in the face of your own rules. Do you have anything to say to that now? No? Cool, then, let me start off, and to the listeners, sorry for this delay, I know you're waiting to listen further, so let me continue.

After I had collapsed on the Moon, the first thing I felt, was something, or rather, someone around me. And the floor was shaking. The person was hugging me really relaxed. I opened my eyes, thinking it was Apollo, but was in for a surprise, because the only people to ever hug me were my family, that included Melissa.

But this was Anna. It was true that I had feelings for her, but this felt crazy. I mean sure, the hug was warm. But I felt something deep inside which I had never felt before. One part of me thought, don't let her know you're awake. The other part said, snap out of it, this is crazy.

I decided to follow the latter. I coughed loudly. Anna leapt back, apparently filled with embarrassment.

"Oh," she babbled. "There was a bug behind you."

"That's not possible," I replied, looking around. We were back on the ship and looking out of my window, we had taken off a long time ago. "But okay, let's accept it, I guess. Don't want to make this too awkward."

"You know what it means, though, right?" said Anna, hesitating.

It was a very awkward moment.

I looked around, at my surroundings. There was a door I had never seen on my previous trip. And the windows were only on one side. The other side was walls. And lastly, I realised my left arm was gone. Instead there was a metallic arm that was titanium, and incredibly detailed. I could move it as freely as my normal arm, but it felt weird.

"Yeah," I replied, slowly, realising what her extraordinarily tight hug meant. I think you know what it meant too, but I don't want to use those sloppy words. I was still moving my hand in a weird way. It was slightly painful, but, I could tolerate it.

"This was Ajax, wasn't it?" I said to Anna, pointing towards my new left arm with my old right arm.

"Yes," she replied. "Does it hurt?"

"No," I replied. "Well, a bit."

"That's awesome."

It was still awkward. Lucky for us, Melissa decided to burst in from the door on the side at that moment. And luckily, Anna and I weren't sticking to each other.

"Hey," I said. "What did I miss?"

"Apollo's rage fits," said Melissa casually.

"Ah," I sighed. "Those. Glad I missed them."

"He's scary," said Anna. "Your brother."

"Why was he mad?" I asked.

"Well, him knowing George and Anna are on this ship is going to make things bad," said Melissa sitting down next to me and sweeping her hair.

"Wait, George's here? Where is George?" I asked, standing up slightly.

"He's at the front," said Anna.

Apocalypse: The Machine Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें