Lisa shifted even closer still staring into Jennie's eyes.

Jennie's breath hitched. Her heart fluttered.


"Yes Lisa?" Jennie managed to breathe out.

"Why are you so beautiful? It makes me so weak." Lisa rasped out, the arm draped behind the couch had fallen on Jennie's shoulders.

Jennie really couldn't answer because Lisa was getting closer and closer and any thoughts of insecurities left her mind because Lisa just had a way of distracting her like that.


"Yes Lisa?" Jennie husked out, Lisa was so close to her face she was unable notice anything else.

Like the fact she had dropped her ice cream on the couch a few minutes ago as soon as Lisa had gotten close.

"I need to kiss you. So I'm going to okay?"

Jennie couldn't speak.

Lisa took her time to rake her eyes over Jennie's face as she moved, drinking in the moment. The way Jennie seemed to have stopped breathing. The way Jennie looked at her with so much anticipation that Lisa wanted to fucking marry her already.

Jennie was reeling from Lisa's confession. Was this really happening? Did Lisa really say that? Jennie had waited over six years to feel those delicious plump lips again. Six very, very excruciatingly long years.

Lisa kept getting closer. Frustratingly slowly and Jennie couldn't help but impatiently jump to close the gap between them, there was no way she was going to waste this opportunity. She had waited entirely too long for this. She needed Lisa's lips on her, now, and Lisa was taking entirely too long to claim her. Jennie couldn't wait anymore.

It felt like time had stopped and rushed forward all at once. It felt like they were the only two people left on earth and this was what they were meant to do.

Lisa moved her lips against Jennie's soft ones and she heard Jennie moan. Jennie couldn't help but let it escape, not when she felt like kissing Lisa was like coming home. Not when her heart was hammering in her chest, threatening to escape at the feeling of Lisa on her.

Lisa pulled away at the sound and Jennie almost cried at the loss of contact, needing to kiss Lisa more. She pouted for a second until she realized Lisa had unceremoniously grabbed Jennie's waist and plopped her down on her lap before diving back into Jennie's lips.

Lisa needed Jennie closer. She needed to feel the weight of Jennie's body on her just as much as she needed Jennie's lips.

Jennie eagerly kissed her back, snaking her arms around Lisa's neck so tightly to pull her as close to her as possible that she was sure she was almost choking Lisa with the amount of force.

Lisa was intent on exploring as much exposed skin as possible. She caressed Jennie's arms lightly with her fingers, tracing the soft skin and leaving behind goosebumps as Jennie shivered.

She caressed Jennie's body as she dragged her arms up to cup Jennie's face. She pulled away from kissing her for a second so she could use her thumb to make Jennie open her mouth for her. Lisa dove back in, this time meeting Jennie's tongue.

Jennie moaned again as Lisa's tongue traced the inside of her mouth and Lisa couldn't help but move her hands to Jennie's waist, snaking them under her shirt so she could grip more soft skin. Pulling her even closer.

Jennie was hellbent on exploring as much of Lisa's mouth as she could. Her nails scratched Lisa's neck lightly, and Lisa groaned.

Their kisses were getting really dangerous now so they both pulled away from each other reluctantly after what felt like hours and not long enough all at once.

Lisa raked her eyes over Jennie, marveling at how gorgeous Jennie looked with kiss swollen lips, at the way Jennie's eyes had darkened and Lisa knew she had just had the privilege of making out with a literal goddess. She thanked whatever good she must have done in the past life she had lived to allow her to be so lucky in this lifetime.

Jennie pressed her forehead to Lisa's, still hugging her tightly, unwilling to let her get too far now that she had her this close. Trying to catch her breath from kissing Lisa so hard she almost forgot to breathe.

"What took you so long Lili? Don't you know I've been dying, waiting over six years for you to do that." She whispered.

Lisa pecked her on the lips again, gripping her waist tighter, rubbing her thumbs against soft skin in apology.

Jennie spoke again, looking into Lisa's eyes as she did.

"I'd wait six more, I'd wait forever if I meant I got to kiss you again Lis." She whispered into Lisa's lips. She meant it. She would suffer through hell and back if only she could have some tiny part of Lisa again. She'd run through fire for just one kiss from her soulmate.


Jennie reluctantly pulled herself away from Lisa after hours of clinging to her, knowing she really needed to tuck Ella in who had been soundly asleep on the floor the entire time.

That's when Jennie finally realized she had dropped her ice cream.

"Shit." Jennie said when she noticed the melted ice cream all over the couch.

"Sorry, that was probably my fault," Lisa said, grinning the goofiest grin she could muster, not looking sorry at all.

Jennie could have died happy right then, it felt just like their first kiss all over again. Melted ice cream and all.

She dove into soft lips again instead. Ella could wait.



Six years and 44 chapters later and we finally got a kiss! Thank god for flashbacks amirite?

This one goes out to everyone who asked so nicely for a kiss in the other chapter. I did it all for you! I would have tagged you guys but I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

I also did it because I figured if I don't give you guys what you want you might come and hunt me down 😅

Ella would probably lead the hunting party with you guys 🪓

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