Disclaimer/Chapter 1- What is cluster b?

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This book is about toxic relationships/toxic people.
Just to note, I'm not a doctor, and this book cannot diagnose a personality disorder, or help a toxic relationship, etc.
If you do need help, please see a therapist.
This book is mainly part experience, part from readings/teachings, and part just knowledge for people who wanna learn about Aspd, Npd, bpd, etc.
There are many other more knowledgeable books out there on the subject too, like "Without conscience" by Robert Hare, or "The sociopath next door" by Martha stout.
^These books are by actually doctors.
Also, these books may also help getting a better grasp of the subject, if you are interested.

Also, side note, this book is NOT a fantasy, romance, or werewolf, etc.
So if that's what you are looking to read on here, this book ain't it.
This book is a book about personality disorders.
Okay, now onto the next part!

Chapter 1
What is cluster b?

First, before we dive into the subject of psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists, etc. We must first take a closer look at the definition. Cluster B is what is known as "personality disorders". There are FOUR disorders that are under cluster b.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), Anti social personality disorder (ASPD), histrionic personality disorder (HPD), and borderline personality disorder (BPD). These are the four personality disorders that make up cluster b.

Through this mini series, I will mainly talk about 2 of them, ASPD and NPD. I will write a little about HPD and BPD. However, my main focus will be psychopaths and narcissists.

So the main definition according to the Mayo clinic website is "Cluster b is various personality disorders shown by unpredictable, dramatic, and overly emotional thinking or behavior. A person with a personality disorder has difficulties regulating their emotions and behavior, which effects their daily lives."

Medical News Today states "These disorders can lead to significant distress and, in many cases, harmful coping strategies. People with cluster b disorders typically have trouble regulating their emotions and struggle to maintain relationships"

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