Finding the Girl Who Was 'Gone With the Wind' - Chapter 6

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I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. It was amazing that Sakura could have seen that monster, yet survive the devastating blow the monster inflicted on her. Any normal person would have had a serious head trauma. Then again, Sakura was an angel and not a normal human being.

I sat up in bed, concentrated my powers, and a flicker of fire appeared at the end of my index finger. I stared at the orange flame as it danced in front of me. After that battle, I was seriously starting to believe that my powers were no joke, they were real life.

A knock at the door startled me and brought me back to earth.

"Yukari? Are you ok?" said my dad coming into my room, "As soon as you got home you rushed upstairs and you weren't hungry, not the type of behavior I've seen in you. What's gotten into you lately?"

I sighed. Maybe I should tell my dad about this. After all, he must know the secret of mom if he married her. Forget the warning, I needed to be the only person - aside from Yuko who would believe anything - that knew about this secret.

"Dad? Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," he nodded.

"When you married mom, did you know any secrets about her?"

"Hmmm..." my dad scratched the back of his hair, "Well, not a lot actually. Is there some sort of point that you're trying to get across?"

"Yes. Like a secret. Something like...did she believe in magic?"

"Oh magic," my dad sighed and got a far away look in his eye, "She loved magic since she was a little girl. She always loved illusions and different tricks."

"No! Not that kind of magic! I'm talking about the magic powers you see in fairytales and fantasy anime! That kind of magic not magical illusions!"

"Powers? What powers? Your mom...wait...did you think that she was some magical being? Did you think she had powers?"

"Well, did she tell you that she had powers?"

My dad frowned, "No one has magical powers Yukari. That's something you'll only see in fairytales. Why'd you ask?"

I bit my lip and flopped back on my bed, "Never mind, dad. Thanks anyway."

He shrugged. Then he kissed the top of my head, "Good night Yukari. I love you"

"Love you too, dad. Good night."

I rolled over on my pillow. I wasn't tired. I was too shaken up. I tossed and turned trying to find sleep, but I guess the sandman was busy. I eventually fell into a restless sleep.

When I woke up, not only was I uneasy, I was exhausted. With not a lot of sleep and a whole quest placed into my hands, I got up to brush my hair and get dressed. Then I walked slowly down the stairs, very unlike me.

Once I sat in my chair I rested my head on the table. Unfortunately, Takashi was there and judging by the smirk expression on his face, he was about to lock, load, and fire another snazzy remark.

"Woah. You look like the bride of Frankenstein. All you need is frizzier hair and two bolts poking out your neck. For all I know you could be my sister robot."

I looked up from my forehead on the table at Takashi and gave him my killer glare, "Not in the mood, nii-san."

The glare was strangely strong enough to shut him up. Dad gave us our breakfast then sat down with his cup of coffee, "Well it's quite quiet at the breakfast table this morning. Are you two making a truce? Which one is holding up the white flag?"

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