SN ;; chapter 31

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Sasuke and the other four walked towards into deep from the woods. They have finished eating earlier and now they were already holding a bunch of tomato plastic,

He sighed well this was troublesome. Of how much he love tomatoes, Kyoishi and Sarada took too much of it and— maybe he also got out of hand of picking some.

As soon they arrived to their newly built-home. The three young males eyes widen when they saw the familair blond standing by the door and waved at them. "MAMA!" Haruto dropped his things from the floor and ran over to the blond and gave him a big tight hugw which made Naruto chuckle.

Sasuke frowns when saw the tomatoes splattered from the floor. Brat such a waste.

Kyoishi was the oppsite— he also run over to his mother but the plastic of bag of tomatoes was still on his hands. Well  that made the oldest raven relief, he bought this with his own money. He has reasons whyhe needs to get mad,

"Dad your long Snape face is showing, geez you're growing too much wrinkles these days" Sarada commented scrunching her nose as she looked up to his father. Sasuke looked down with her with a glare and walked away,

Menma chuckled "Good one, Sara" the female grins "I know" both of them then walked up towards to the blond and give him a greeting then a hug.

The elder sibling raven looked up to both of his biological parents "Mother it is nice to see you, i'm doing fine now. Mo— okaasan you're tearing up" he said while he scratched the back of his neck. Naruto then shook his head before wiping off his tears,

"No i'm not.. i'm just glad you're okay" He siad then give him a gentle hug. Sasuke watched the two with a fond smile,

After a few minutes with a hug from the two they broke it after when they heard someone yelling behind. Their ears perk up to hear the same young blond along with his bright-smiling face. "HEYYY!"

Sarada rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. Boruto loud as ever. She chuckled.

Besides the young blond— some of few people were walking behind him which was Sakura and Hinata, Himawari was not seen and Naruto could guess that she was dropped off by Karin's care for now.

When the three reached to the family Uchiha's, Boruto came running towards to the blond and gave him a hug then after that he also did the same to all of his siblings. Including Sarada, he teased her before giving ehr a nice hug.

Kyoishi looked at all of the people around him. Wait, what the hell is happening.

"is this a reuniting drama scene?" He commented making Sarada and Hinata quietly snort. Kyo then felt a hit from his back "No idiot, stop pretending stupid" Menma said "Well?! How am i suppoused to react?? Like WOAH?" Kyoishi replied while glaring at the elder

Naruto rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled after "Silly niisan theres an announcement for our parents to make!" Haruto said smiling as he jumped up and down

"Announcement?" Kyoishi blinked looking up to the older people "Wasn't my weird giggling thing from earlier wasn't weirding you out?" Sarada said frowning

The raven turned around to her "Yes it did, you look like you were having some dirty though— ow!" Naruto hitted him form the back of his head "Dont even think finishing that sentence!" The blond growls looking down to his son

Kyoishi turns around and crossed his arms with a pout. Making some adults chuckle from his childishness,

"Well, Kyo you see.." Hinata said smiling "Me , Sakura then Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun had decided some things tp make it more less complicated" Kyoishi cocked his eyebrow "We decided.. well we didn't mind of you all being in the same house and— after everything.. i also realize that.. Naruto isn't mine, really" Hinata said softly

Sakura nodded "Same for me with Sasuke-kun, i snapped from the reality when i learned that him and Naruto was obviously inlove to eachother. And staying with him longer wouldn't be more nicer, so yes. I am now letting your father go and— give him to your mother, Naruto" Sakura siad her tears began to fall from her cheeks as she took the ring off her hand and hand it to the Oldes Uchiha

While Hinata also did the same and handed it over to the blond, she was also trying her best to not to cry. It was childish, Naruto wasn't hers to begin with.

Sasuke eyed the pink-haired girl with a guilt in his eyes and sighed. He walked towards to her and hugged her for a few sec, "Thank you Sakura" he said

Everyone watched them with an awe.

"Wait so— does this mean!" Kyo gasped making Hinata and Sakura chuckle from his reaction. The raven broke his hug from the Haruno and looked at his son and smiled,

"We're divorcing, and we came to a decision that all fo you with the blood of my bloodline will be under my roof. As, your father" Sasuke said

"Woah woah woah wait!" The other blond said raising his arms up in the air as he faced Sasuke, "I never agreed that!" Sasuke then looked at him confused.

Boruto shook his head "As much as i want to stay with you all, but i' not leaving Hinata. She maybe not my really-biological-mother. But she did give me a mother figure" he said while hsi hands were on his hips.

Hinata blinked before she let out a quiet sob while she covered her mouth. It was painful to see that Sasuke and Naruto was already taking the young blond, but, now he could see that Boruto was staying with him since he refused to live with them.

Naruto eyes softened and smiled "Well thats settled, i mean, you're not that even far away from here so that means you can still see your siblings." Sakura nodded in agreement.

Boruto then sighed in relief and walked towards to the dark-blued hair women and hugged her happily soon after Hinata also smiled and hugged him back.

All of them then fell into silence.

"Well?" Menma tilted his head "is this a  new beginning then?" He chuckles. Naruto chuckled and gently patted the youngers head and nodded, Sasuke walking over to them as he confidently wrapped his arms over to the blond making Nsruto quietly gasp from the sudden pull.

Kyoishi sensing the sudden heat behind him made him annoyed and roll his eyes. He then pulled Haru beside him and looked up to the two adults infront of him while Sarada stood beside the youngest.

Sakura smiled at her daughter which also made the raven return a smile also.

"Very well, off you go you wild Uchihas" The pink-haired girl said smiling.


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