SN;; chapter 8

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The two youngest laughed evily while they watched their older brother cling over to their mother,

Naruto who was just buying stuff was now confused as hell.

The blonde looked down at his son clinging to him "Menma why are clinging up to me?"he asked "Mother those two literally just threw a spider at me!"he answered

The youngers grip tighten around the olders waist which makes him wince a bit.The blond looked at the two siblings who was infront of them,he gave them a cold glare

"Didn't i told you two to stop throwing things to you older brother?"Naruto said

Haruto and Kyo stopped laughing when they felt the dark aura surround them.

"Uhm-"Kyo pursed his lips "not my fault mom! It was Haruto's idea!"the younger pointed at the other raven

"Ha?! But you were the one who told me to throw it at him! Now the spiders i saw is completely gone! Bastard!"Haruto yelled giving a small punch to his brother

"Haruto! Dont do that to your brother!"Naruto scolded him

"But mooom! Blame him! Not me,he is the oldest! I'm younger! He orders-I obey!"Haruto whines

Naruto groans feeling himself getting annoyed not until-

"Lord 7th?"a female voice spoke

The blonde turned around and saw the small female Uchiha "Sarada?"

"Greetings Lord 7th"Sarada said smiling softly "Sarada shouldn't you be in school?"Naruto asked

"eh? Lord 7th didn't you say it was holiday today?"Sarada said blinking a few times

She then felt herself getting stared by the three,she looked back at them as she gulped "what a strong chakra.."she mumbled

"Ahh i forgot yea it is- sorry sorry"Naruto said while he laughed nervously

"Lord 7th..who ar-"Sarada was cutted off the the other younger blonde which is Boruto

Naruto felt himself panick

"Sarada! Oi!"Boruto yelled as he ran up to them then patting the females back

"Oi! You lose the game shouldn't you treating us today? And who is- oh hey old man"Boruto smile soon turn into a frown when he saw his father

Borutos eyes fell down to the three ravens

He eyed them suspiciously "Uh..who..are you guys?"Boruto asked "why are you guys clinging over to my father?"

"Because its our choice burrito!"Kyo shouted back glaring at him

Sarada tried to stop her laughter "pft- the kid called you burrito instead Boruto-"Sarada laughed

"you- The names Uzumaki Boruto Dattebasa!!"Boruto stepped closer and shouted back

"The names Uzumaki Kyoishi Ttebane!"Kyoishi didn't wanna lose so he stepped in and shouted back galring at the older

Naruto eyes widen "Kyo!"

"ha? Uzumaki? Shut your mouth cause theres only 3 Uzumaki's in town you brat!"Boruto said glaring at the smaller

"Well you dont know! You stupid girraffttt-MMMF!!"Menma quickly pulled Kyo and covered his mouth to stop talking

Naruto gulped and grabbed the things then Haruto "Lets- talk later Boruto 'kay? Later at home!"Naruto said as he rushed off with the three.

The Uchiha and Uzumaki kids stood there while they watched the hokage walk away,

Making them get suspicious over the three "Forget about that,i want my hamburger forehead"Boruto said

The mysterious ravens | 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن