SN ;; chapter 29

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Menmas eyes fluttered open as he saw a light shined to his eyes.He slowly gets up and sat as he groans from the headache that he was feeling,

The raven looked around and saw everything white nad felt himself sitting on a soft cusion which looks like a cloud.Wait—did he die?

He started to panic and began to repeatedly look around.He didn't expect to really die! His brothers needed him

As he continued to panic he felt someone pat his shoulder.He turned around and saw a women smiling,raven hair and pale skin

There was another guy beside him then another one which had a long hair and a wrinkle from his eyes

"Hello"The women said as she waved.Menma felt himself awkward but didn't want to act rude infront of the three "Ah...h-hello.."

Menma heard a laugh behind him and turns around to see—he saw a women with red hair then a guy bueside him with a blond hair

He felt himself get embarassed since he was between the two families "Kushina,dont laugh at're making him more uncomfortable"the blond guy said calming the women

"Right Kushina"Another guy came but had a white hair then another one beside him brown-haired

The raven felt his heart race.Who were this people? Why does it look like they know them

"Uhm..excuse me..not to be rude you know me?"He spoke catching the attention for everyone

He saw the raven women cooed and hugged him very tightly while the red-haired joined in which made him struggle to breathe

"Aww! You're so cute!!"The raven women cooed "Agreed! So respectful towards to everyone!"the red-haired women said

"A-ah...c-cant b-bre—ath"Menma said struggling from their grip

The blond and raven haired mans pulled the women away from him which made him glad

He sighs in relief "So you're Menma?"He heard the guy with white hair said.He slowly nodded
"uh..yes...?"he said awkwardly

"Ha! As i expected! Naruto would get pregnant!"the white haired guy shouted "Quiet down Jiraiya-sama"The brown+haired beside him said

"I told your my son was the top!"The raven women said grinning to the other women who rolled her eyes "Maybe they're switch!"she said

The raven-haired women walks to her and pulls out her hand as she grinned widely "Money money~"

"You guys still in that bet even after all these years?"The raven man said frowned

"of course~"The raven women said grinning to the red-haired women

"You guys made that bet when Kushina was pregnant.."The blond said "How did you guys even know that our sons would bend?"

The two women pointed their head and smiled "Mother instincts"they said together

Menma watched everyone silently since he didn't wanna interrupt them "Menma"he heard himself get called and turns around to see the man with the raven and long-haired

"You sure do look like Naruto-kun"He said.The young raven pursed his lips "Uh..Kyo..would be the one who'd look like..mother more"he said smiling awkwardly

The older raven chuckled and ruffled the youngers hair "The names Itachi"he said

Menma looked up to him "Its nice to meet you..Itachi-san"he said

"Oi! You should talk to us too 'ttebane!"The red-haired women shouted as she pouted to the younger who got more uncomfortable

"Yea!"The raven women said as she joined to put to the younger "You two really..."The raven haired guy groans

The mysterious ravens | 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя