SN ;; chapter 30

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As soon when Menma found out that Sasuke Uchiha was his father he didn't really mind since his grandparents told him that Sasuke struggled from the past so he didn't want him to struggle at this time

But the problem is..

"I AM NOT COMING WITH YOU!"Kyoishi yelled angrily at the older Uchiha who sighed

Once Menma got better they decided to move sooner.But Kyoishi being Kyoishi was being a brat,its not his fault the boy only founded out that the older Uchiha was his father

The young raven still haven't accepted the Uchiha.He wasn't nor sooner

"Kyo,lets go dont stress father too much"Menma said sighing as he puts on his jacket and pulling his lagguage

"He is not my father!"Kyo yelled angrily.Sasuke sighed once again feeling his headache "Kyoishi"Menma said coldly

"No!"Kyo refused.The youngest watched the scene as he ate his tomato "Niisan lets just go~"Haruto whines

Kyoishi glared at him "Why do you even accept him too quickly?!"he said gritting his teeth

Menma rolled his eyes and activated his wind element and made him the younger float in the air and began to walk away while he made the raven follow him "Put me down,Bastard!"

"Shut your mouth,little brother"Menma said while the younger struggled from his wind grip.Sasuke watched the scene and sighed in relief,he gets the other bags while the two others followed behind him which is Haruto and Sarada

If you are wondering where is Sakura,Hinata,Boruto and Himawari.They left a few days ago from some things they needed to discuss

Now its all left the Uchiha's.They needed to move out

They exited the house and locked the door.Everyone turned around to see their original home for the last time and bid their goodbye "See you again,Home"Haruto mumbled sadly smiling

After that they began to jump trees to trees as they get back to the familiar huge gate.

This scene reminded them the first time they came here.No worries,but full of excitement.It wasn't sad or gloomy,everyone was happy

But not this time when the person with them wasn't the person they came from that time.Its not their Mother instead it was their Father

The older raven was silent but began to speak " guys like to eat..ramen?"

Everyone turn their heads to the oldest and laughed "T-tousan you're funny w-when you're shy!"Sarada commented while laughing

Sasuke felt himself embarassed and looked away "Pfft! I dont like you but you look dumb when you asked us! Haha!"Kyoishi said laughing his ass off

Menma and Haruto laughed with the other two

This made Sasuke smiled a bit,it was a wonderful view for everyone getting along well.He just hopes their smile wont dissappear

A minute later the laugh died down and they headed to the ichiraku ramen

Menma let go of his brother and sat down onto their seat.Their father ordered 5 miso ramen for all of them

Kyoishi scoffed and crossed his arms and glared looking away "Niisan stop being a tsundere"Haruto said

"M'not!"Kyoishi rolled his eyes growling at the youngest "Kyo acting like that wont do anything"Menma said chuckling

The raven ignored him and continued to look away and minded his own bussiness.Their ramens were delivered to them after a few minutes,placing it infront of them one by one

The waiter left after when they gave them their noodles and chopsticks.Everyone began to eat their noodles except Kyo

Sasuke eyes the younger "Aren't you gonna eat?"he asked

Kyoishi looked at him and glared "You can have it if you want,Uchiha"He sticked out his tounge

Menma eyes widen and pinched the youngers waist "Stop being rude"he said glaring at him

"ow! Stop pinching me,dam—"He got cutted off by a kunai almosy landing on his head but oassed him and hitted the wall

He turned around to see the Uchiha who was glaring at him "Brats aren't allowed in my household"Sasuke said

"You will be living under my roof,i command—You obey"The raven said activating his sharingan

The young male felt a shiver down to his spine.What a karma

Kyoishi began to pout and gets his chopsticks and began to eat his ramen,he wasn't fan of ramen he hated the taste of it.

The raven started to feel himself puke when he ate the noodles.Menma looked at him and sighed "Tousan,Kyo isn't a fan of ramen"he said

Sasuke stared at the younger "Dont waste food when i bought it for you"He said

Everyone pursed their lips when they felt the Uchiha's chakra surrounding him.It looks like Sasuke wasn't in the mood playing games at this time

"I also have an announcement to make"Sasuke said putting down his chopsticks

Everyone turned their eyes on him "Since all of you are moving in my house.You guys will go and learn to the academy then become genin then to chunin,got it?"Sasuke said

"You'll also have your own team after a few years.So get ready for missions"the raven male said

"And an update for your..mother"the three siblings looked at him "He'll be out tomorrow which is a good news" Sasuke said with a small smile

The four youngsters quietly cheered on their seat. Kyoishi couldn't believe it, he missed his mother very much and soon he'll able to have his warmth beside to him once again. What a joy!

Sarada looked down from her ramen and smiled, she knew what her father and mother was planning. She couldn't wait to see the others reaction to this, she chuckles.

"What are you giggling over theere Sara-nee?" Haruto said looking at her confused. Sarada looked at him and shook her head "Nothing! Just some funny thoughts" she continued to giggle.

Kyoishi scrunched his nose as he watches the female raven weirdly giggle infront of him. He rolled his eyes and just continued to eat.


Hey guys! What do you think Sarada was giggling? And what was Sasuke even planning making Sarada smile brightly?

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