Season 1: 5# Mat Is Free

Start from the beginning

Zach: Wow, I could barely recognise you.

Toby: Yeah, just a month ago you were dead.

Karl: Coma.

Toby: What's the difference?

Brad: A coma is a state of unconsciousness where a person is unresponsive and cannot be woken. It could take a while, could be years.

Toby: What about death?

Brad: Your organs stop working so you're dead. When you're in a coma, your organs still work, you just can't respond. I was in a coma before because I almost got a stroke.

Tommy: After your lung transplant?

Brad: Yup.

Mat: That must be awful.

Brad: It is, but my lungs have been getting stronger because I'm a Zodiac hero. Obviously, it didn't cure me because cystic fibrosis is a terminal illness. But I can be close to other CF patients because of my immune system.

Larry: That's cool, I have a shit immune system.

Raphael: I was also in a coma when we were in New Zealand when Dark Syndrome first hit me. Probably the same for Ashton but he's not part of our team anymore.

Mat: Where is he now?

Luke H: Australia.

Calum: Seriously? Nobody's gonna talk about the time I was also in a coma years ago?

Wendy: Oh yeah, Luke passed out on this one.

Luke H: No I didn't.

Michael: Yes you did.

Zoe: Oh yes, secondary school memories.

Brad: Guys, Mat will need some time adjusting back to who he was before Andrew shot him because of the post-sepsis syndrome. Because he was also treated in the ICU, he might also experience post-ICU syndrome as well.

Ben W: At least you're okay.

Mat: I guess.

Brad: You can go back to your dorms now.

We left the hospital and it seems like Mat is trying to adjust to walking again. Luckily, Ben was able to help him by doing the human crutch. I tried to help out as well. Just halfway between the hospital and our dorms, Mat grew tired of walking. So we sat on the grassy areas that connected the 2 places and with Yuansu Park right next to us.

Mat: Oh my God.

Ben W: You alright?

Mat: I haven't walked this far for a month.

Toby: You need a wheelchair?

Mat: I think I'm fine.

Zach: Why don't we take a break? We're just halfway to our dorms anyway.

Mat: Cool.

Aimee: So, how were you guys formed?

Luke H: The original team members consisted of Calum, Devan, Collins, Troye, me, Shawn, Michael and Wendy along with Ashton. We were all transferred to New Zealand and that's how we first met Simon who looked like an old man at the time.

Bill: Really? He seemed younger right now.

Troye: Well, he drank an ageing potion by accident which is why he looked old. But it wore off and now he's young again. Anyway, we were in this mysterious house called the Arch Hill Chase and it was so creepy at night and we fell down a trap door which made us more scared.

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