Poseidon seemed most offended by my remark and walked away. Inside myself, I smiled while walking past Zeus into the meeting hall. All the gods and goddesses were laughing and rambling about the new wine flavor humans have created, but they all quieted down when I walked in. The only person to acknowledge me was Ares, the god of war.

"Hades, you've finally decided to grace us with your presence," Ares announced as a greeting.

I sat down in one of the top thrones which are meant for Zeus, Poseidon, and me. From up high, I stared down at my nephew and bast in his welcoming gratitude, greeting him with equal sentiments.

"Yes, it would seem that I have been called upon."

"What do you speak of?" Ares stepped closer, his armor clanging against his legs. He seemed most comfortable with my presence to even step within one foot away from me. Perhaps it was because I used to take care of him as a child. When Zeus his own father said he hated him, he came to me for guidance. And it was through that guidance that he and Ares were able to get along so well.

"I do not know what I mean," I said and Ares laughed a little

"That hollow shell you live in has made you how should I say... obtuse Uncle." I barked a laugh that filled the whole room and made everyone uncomfortable, but I did not pay them any mind.

Zeus came in ignoring Ares and my stares. He sat down on the tall throne as did everyone.

The meeting began...

I yawned despite the awkwardness it gave the other gods. Instead of paying attention to Zeus or Poseidon speaking, they all stared at me. Their glorious spitefulness should set me ablaze, but I was not bothered. I just listened to Zeus talk about humans and their ways like he had a right to judge them. He says humans are the mess of the world however I have never seen Zeus do anything to help them except violate them.


I looked up at Zeus who was staring at me angrily.

"Yes oh, dearest brother?" I said in a sarcastic manner.

"Do not use that tone with me! I will cast you out within a second."

"Where? Down to the surface, to the underworld? Both where I reside fairly well." He materialized a lighting bolt out of thin air and aimed it at me. I swiftly dodged it and made my way toward the exit.

"It was nice to see everyone again, I'll take my leave." I turned around making my cape swing in a dramatic way headed towards the front exit. Riezer was there with my vessel that was ready to carry me home.

"Wait, uncle!" Ares called after me out of breath.

"What is it, Ares?"

Ares made a move to fix the strapping around his sword as he spoke. "I need you to drop me off in Sparta."

"Sparta, aye?" I said curiously while Ares was already getting into the carriage. "I will drop you there then."


I dropped Ares off in Sparta no questions asked. What I did know was that he was going to start another dispute with Athens again; hopefully, he will not lose this time around.

"You will probably be getting more souls by the winter solstice," Ares said before he left. Not that this was new. Getting a hand full of souls around that time was almost customary at this point.

"Say hello to Enyo for me!" I called out to Ares who was already trudging his way across the feild.

Ares turned around, now walking backwards. "Uncle! Don't think for a second that she and I are something more than just companions of war." He instantly turned around and sped off quicker than before.

Oh, how much so my nephew doesn't know...

Whether it be the goddess of love or the goddess of war. He was a lady killer by heart.

Certainly, I should very well envy him...

Certainly, I'm not a fool to admit it...

The sun was setting as I made my way home relaxed knowing that whatever feeling I had this morning was gone. The feeling that drove me to the Summit in the first place. I pushed that thought away and opened the window flap to see the golden sunset and a field of flowers.

"Riezer stop, I want to rest."

I stepped off of the flying carriage and felt the damp floral surround my feet. Something nostalgic filled my mind with the aura of this place. Have I been here? He soon realized that this place was close to Demeter's temple and thought, yes he has been here before... ten years ago.

Poof! I heard someone fall to the ground behind me and I quickly turned around to see a girl. She had dark orange hair and faint freckles on her cheeks. Her green dress seemed to radiate off of the white flowers around her. She stared at me in the most stoic way that made me wonder if we had ever met before.

She was beautiful. The most alluring human girl I've ever seen. She looked about 18 or 19 in human years but her presence felt like that of a goddess. Compared to me she was much younger. But that did not matter because I wanted her...

I wanted her to be mine.

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