Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hola todos, Gracie here! And I finally finished this chapter! I know it took me a while to get this chapter done, I've been busy with graduation and work now that I really haven't had time nor motivation to get this chapter through. I really had a hard time figuring out this chapter's ending, so please let me know what you guys think of it. Till next time! Adios! 

P.S. I'm kinda upset that they took the "TexttoSpeech" away from my story! I really liked it tho...Oh well! Bye!


The group trekked through the woods for about thirty minutes in silence, before they ducked down into bushes when they heard the distant wailing from fast approaching police cruisers. Marisol and Vanellope quickly covered Lightning in bushes as much as they could. Lightning tried not to complain, but he couldn't help but yelp several times whenever a branch poked him.  But despite their best efforts, they could clearly still see splotches of red paint among the evergreen leaves.  The girls crouched deeper into the leaves as the car's engine and siren grew louder. Lightning tried to stay still as Vanellope wrapped her arm onto Lightning's right fender. Lightning by then, shut off his engine. Vanellope didn't know he could do that.

They stood quiet. Listening for the police cars to pass by. Vanellope could tell that Lightning was tense and Marisol was nervous. This was a first for her since she has never seen them this afraid before. They remain silent for seemingly an eternity. Not one of them uttered a single vowel. They heard the cruiser pass by...Vanellope let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. She felt a nudge on her back, she turned to look at the ocean blue eyes of her concerned race car guardian. He nudged her gently with his tire as a sign of comfort to the little girl. Lightning gave her a small smile. She smiled back. They turn their attention back to Marisol who was scanning the area. She nodded her head as she glanced back at them and gestured to follow her.

Vanellope walked alongside the older woman, as Lightning cruised behind them keeping a short distance away from the humans. She guessed that Lightning didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt from him accidentally bumping into them.

They stepped out into a clearing with sunlight pouring down on the dirt road. Marisol raised her hand to shield her eyes from the blinding rays of light. Vanellope did the same as the bright light subsided... 

As she turned to face several weapons pointing in their direction.

Marisol screamed as Vanellope saw the woman being pinned down on the dirt road by men in camouflage uniforms. The little girl could see the older woman fighting and screaming as she tried to pull away from them. She could see in her brown eyes that she was afraid but enraged. Marisol tried to reach an arm to Vanellope as she looked up behind the little girl.

She never heard her scream her name that loud in her entire life.

Vanellope shot a glance, up only for an arm to wrap around her chest hoisting her off the ground. She shrieked in alarm as she squirmed and kicked at the soldier. The man in uniform only tightened his grip on her. She could feel a dull pain begin to emerge in her abdomen. Her breath hitched at the sudden pressure. Her adrenaline taking over her, she tried to glitch out of his arms. She heard a click and her body froze. She could hear Marisol screaming her name again. Her eyes met the sight of a small black gun pressed up against her forehead.

"Hold still!" He hissed menacingly. 

"NO! Please don't hurt her!!" Marisol begged, her voice cracking. She could hear the sob rising from her throat.  

Vanellope didn't know what was going on, but it felt too fast for her. She looked around for any signs of Lightning, but he was nowhere to be seen. There wasn't even a spot of red among the trees. Where did he go? Did he leave them? Lightning would've never abandoned them, right? All he ever did for her...was protect her. So why did he leave? Vanellope figured he didn't want to get caught. She didn't blame him, but now she wished he was there to save her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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