Chapter Six

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The group looked at each other as their eyes widened like dinner plates. McQueen instinctively wrapped a tire around Vanellope as he protectively brought her closer to him. The group slowly turned to face a half dozen police officers pointing guns in their direction. Vanellope whimpered as her heart started pounding again. McQueen could feel her breathing heavily. He knew she was on a brink of having another panic attack. They have to get out of there. They were surrounded... They were trapped...

"Gah! What the HELL is that THING?!" One of the officers screamed pointing a finger at him.

'Now that's just rude.' He thought to himself. He could tell that they were more afraid of him than he was of them. McQueen was taken back by the reaction of a police officer freaking out by the mere sight of him. The officers aimed their guns at his face. He glared at them, his engine softly revving. He knew it was a terrible idea, but he wanted to appear intimidating. He wasn't about to let anyone near Vanellope or Marisol. Marisol shared a glance with McQueen as she stepped in front of him.

"That thing is my invention. It's a robot that shares the resemblance of a sentient racecar. I know it looks very realistic, but it's not dangerous..." Her voice dim since he wasn't paying attention to her. He knew she was trying to buy time for him to make a plan to escape. Vanellope luckily stopped glitching, but he knew it would be a matter of time before her panic could take over. He knew he didn't have much time, but he was relieved that Marisol had the officers's focus on her. They needed to escape. McQueen turned to Vanellope still huddled against his fender.

"Vanellope, remember our emergency bag?" He whispered to her. She looked up with wide eyes and slowly nodded.

"Ok, go get it. You can glitch through the walls behind me. Then glitch back, but hurry! We don't want the officers to notice you missing."

She nodded again. He thought she understood the plan because she immediately disappeared through the wall then quickly returned with a black bag hanging from her shoulder.

She quickly hid it behind her back. McQueen slowly lowered himself on the floor to help Vanellope place their bag on his roof. She slowly heaved the bag above the racecar's ducktail spoiler. Part one of Plan A is in place. The next step is to escape...

The officers surprisingly haven't noticed the events happening in front of them, because they were too focused on Marisol who was now talking about the difficulty of programming and the stresses of owning a business involving vehicles. Every once in a while, one of them would cast a suspicious glance at them. He knew by the sound of Marisol's voice, she was nervous masking it in a tone of exhaustion. The officers shared a glance at each other before cutting Marisol's rambling off.

"Ma'am, you need to come with us, please." Marisol's face fell as her eyes fell on McQueen. The officers by then put their guns away, while two of them began walking towards her to restrain her while another had a pair of handcuffs out.

He knew he had to step in before Marisol could be taken away. He knew he was going regret his decision. He was not just about to endanger himself as well as the girls that he cared deeply about.

'Well, that's not going to happen anytime soon.' He thought to himself determinedly. He's not letting anyone near his girls. 'Oh Doc, please watch over us! I'm about to do something really stupid!'

McQueen revved his engine as loud as he could. The officers including Marisol jumped back at the sudden noise. The officers quickly covered their ears trying to block out the painful roar. They all slowly turned to face him, his eyes narrowed, his engine growling menacingly. Vanellope taking her cue, jumped on his roof. McQueen was somewhat startled by Vanellope's presence, but he didn't show it. His focus was on the officers slowly backing away from Marisol. He could see the fear in Marisol's eyes as he slowly began driving up to her. The officers immediately started taking their weapons again as they yelled at one another. One was already having their walkie-talkie out in case they needed to call for backup.

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