Chapter One

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She was flying. She could feel the wind whipping through her dark licorice ponytail. She was hovering over the clouds as she rode through the sapphire blue sky. She was having the best time of her life. She whopped and hollered in glee. She hasn't felt this happy since meeting Ralph. Speaking of the Bad guy, Vanellope whipped her head around to see her best friend pull up next to the little girl. He had a toothy grin that she dearly missed. He waved at her and gestured for her to follow him. She grinned back as she gunned her engine to chase him. They laughed and cheered as they raced side by side in their racecars. She felt warmth surrounding her as she had her best friend by her side once more. She didn't want this to end...


But it did...

Vanellope groaned as she tossed and turned at the sudden interruption. She groggily opened her eyes to slam her hand against her phone's screen to shut the alarm. She growled crankily as she tossed her blanket over her head to cover the sunlight beaming down through her curtains. She got comfortable again tucking herself in. She slowly shut her eyes, her cheek resting against her fluffy pillow. She was almost fully asleep if it weren't for someone suddenly barging into her room...

"Morning Kid!!"


Vanellope screamed, jumping out of her bed, glitching in the process. Her voice cut out as she landed on the carpet floor whimpering, her body throbbing. She growled as she turned to glare at a grinning ruby red stock car standing in front of her.

Vanellope slouched disorientated, her exhaustion fading. 'It's too early for this.' She grumbled in thought.

"Morning Lightning..." She slowly waved and yawned. She glitched past him and began making her way to the bathroom.

"Hey," she heard Lightning shout, "I told you not to glitch around the house! You're going to get yourself hurt!"

She chose to ignore him. It was 8 am and she barely had the motivation to get up, let alone stand the overenthusiastic talking car. She slammed the bathroom door as she began getting ready for the day.

"And how many times do I have to tell you? STOP SLAMMING THE DOOR!!"

Vanellope would've slammed her face against the sink if it weren't for her sluggish mood.

She sat down at the dining table, in front of the kitchen as Lightning worked to prepare her breakfast. He seemed to be putting the final touches on her waffles, now that she has gotten a good look from behind him. He carefully and gently slid her plate from his garnet hood to the table in front of the little girl. Vanellope admired the fluffy white whip cream and chocolate syrup over her two large baked waffles. She also noticed buttery golden popcorn sprinkled over and around her waffles. And a small ruby strawberry was stacked on top of the whipped cream (definitely-not-healthy) breakfast. She glanced around to see her guardian fishing out a can of oil from the refrigerator, before joining her at the table.

They sat in silence for a moment. Then Vanellope cleared her throat.

"So...I see that you're getting better at cooking human food. Kinda surprised me, honestly!" She chuckled awkwardly, slowly picking up her fork to take a bite on her food.

The elder stock car chuckled back, softly smiling before replying, "Kinda had to feed you, you know! Although it did certainly take some time to get used to this human-infested world. I had to learn a lot of new terms for just taking care of you."

They laughed.
"I guess you're getting used to it, then?" Vanellope glanced up to Lightning after swallowing. She caught a flash of sadness in Lightning's eyes as he looked down, sipping quietly.

Vanellope frowned. She looked back at her soggy waffles, the whipped cream was melting off of the waffles to the plate.
"So...that means a no?" She slowly stated. She didn't want to upset Lightning more than he already was. She has caught him; several nights in his bedroom crying in silence. She knew that her racecar guardian missed his home as much as she does. It was obvious that he was trying to hide his emotions from her. But it was fruitless, he knew that she could see right through him and it was useless to try and hide it from her. Lightning cleared his throat. She looked up to see him finishing his breakfast and checking the time behind him.

"You should finish now. The bus will be here soon."

He picked up his finished can of oil before driving away from their table. Most likely to go get her backpack. Vanellope quickly finished her waffles before tossing her plate into the sink. She glitched past their living room, before reaching the front door with Lightning waiting for her with her backpack on his hood.

He smiled, gazing at her with love that only a parent would give to their child. She giggled softly as Lightning nuzzled her gently, chuckling alongside her. She grabbed her candy-coated mint green backpack and put it on. She smiled back as she reached her tiny palms to hug Lightning's front bumper. They let go of each other as they heard the familiar honking from the yellow school bus arriving at their front porch.

"Have a wonderful day at school, Sugar Cube!" Lightning grinned. Vanellope groaned, rolling her eyes playfully.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that!"

"But I like it! And you can't change my mind!"

Vanellope playfully blew a raspberry at him, grinning. He blew one back. The bus honked again and Vanellope quickly parted ways from Lightning before running to the bus. She waved at him as he waved back. 

"See you later tonight! Bye!" He called her.

"Bye, Dad!" She called back.

Lightning's eyes widened at the sudden realization. Vanellope grinned cunningly as the bus door closed behind her.

A/N: Well there you go Chapter One of my new exciting fanfic. Please let me know if you catch any Grammer errors while reading! I hope you guys enjoy it and I will see you all later! Bye!! Adiós!!

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