Chapter Four

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Present Day ~~~~

Vanellope walked through the school hallway heading to her class. Throughout the trip, she stared out the window watching the cars drive by. The majority of the kids ignored her like they always did since she was the weirdo of the school. Some of the kids whispered to each other, looking at her as she passed by them. She huffed, rolling her eyes. They must be talking about the rumors that have been spreading recently. She honestly didn't care, it was best to ignore them. They would die out eventually. She had nothing to hide...well maybe the fact she's a video game character from a different dimension or the fact that she can glitch or the fact she's being taken care of by a living racecar... Yeah, so she has a lot of secrets to keep hidden. But who doesn't?!

Vanellope was nearing the entrance of her classroom before she was rudely blocked by a not-so-welcoming familiar face. Vanellope nearly groaned as she met the gaze of a grinning blonde-haired girl.

"Hello, Jessica." Her tone was low with a hint of annoyance.

Jessica Meijer's grin grew slightly larger as she glared down at her.

Jessica Meijer was a spoil brat. That was basically her entire personality because she always gets what she wants. And she was by far the most popular girl in school and everyone (often including the teachers ) worshiped her like a goddess. Today she was wearing her classic sparkling pink diamond jacket with dark navy blue jeans. Her golden locks were tied into a tight ponytail that dangled on her shoulders. She was decked out with makeup that made her look like a clown rather than a beauty. Her entourage were behind her as per usual, obeying her like servents. Vanellope never liked her. Not. One. Bit.

"Well! Well! Well...If it isn't the weirdo of the woods Vanellope McQueen. I was worried you weren't going to show up. Since you probably went to cry to your imaginary friend the other day." Jessica laughed at her joke. Some of her slaves snickered alongside her. Vanellope rolled her eyes and shook her head. She had dealt with her fair share of bullying for years in Sugar Rush. This was nothing compared to what Taffyta and the other racers did to her. Luckily Jessica was more bark than bite.

Everyone always assumed that she lived by herself since Lightning had to stay hidden from other humans. A lot of the kids on the bus always see Vanellope saying goodbye to the opened empty door since they never see anyone standing outside of her house. After that, they always made fun of her for having an imaginary friend. Calling her names. She was never able to make friends, because of the rumors. Vanellope didn't care though, she didn't need anyone. Besides she knew the truth. 

"I don't have time for this."

Vanellope lightly shoved Jessica out of the way. Luckily, she didn't glitch. The last thing she wanted to do was glitch in front of everyone. Lightning and Marisol always warned her about glitching in front of people, for the obvious reason of being discovered. She was already being called a freak. She didn't need anyone to call her a monster. She already knew what that felt like. There have been some close calls during school. Most of the time, she would start glitching when she gets anxious, sad, or scared.

Lightning was the first to see her in that condition. When the racecar found out, he didn't freak out nor turn away from her. Instead, he gently wrapped a tire around her, bringing her closer to him. So close to the point that they were nearly touching. Vanellope was glitching rapidly with her eyes clenched shut, tears threatening to fall, but Lightning's comforting warm body made her wrap her arms on the stock car's fender. Not once did Lightning protest as she began sobbing. She remembered being distraught after realizing that she might never go home. But Lightning held her tight, comforting her and being there for her when no one else did.

She smiled at the thought as she slid to her desk while ignoring Jessica's glare. Jessica seemed about to "blow a gasket" as Lightning says. Vanellope grinned mockingly at Jessica's direction. If there's anything that Lightning taught her was to never let anyone bring her down.

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