Chapter Five

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"Hmm..." Marisol murmured to herself as she looked deeper examining the silver sports car's engine. McQueen sat next to her having his headlights turned on pointing down on the inside of the car. The human woman focusing on the head gasket of the engine pulled out her wrench. She began pulling her head deeper into the car's engine. McQueen watched her, softly smirking at her. He could hear her grunting and muttering to herself as her noodle arms wobbled as she tried to pull out the gasket's cap. McQueen snickered quietly to himself.

"What are you laughing about over there?" The racecar immediately clamped his mouth shut, when he met gaze at the unamused Hispanic woman.

"Oh, noodles..." His heart skipped a beat. He felt his body freeze. He meant to say 'nothing', but his mouth betrayed him.


'Oh shoot! She wasn't supposed to know that! Why gotta you be stupid sometimes, McQueen?!' His mind scolded him.

Marisol was trying to hold her laughter as she stared unblinkingly at the living stock car. He had a nervous sheepish grin on his face. "That's what you were thinking about?! What's so funny about noodles?"

The brunette by then couldn't help but let out a chortle of giggles. McQueen laughed nervously alongside her.

"Out of all the things," She began catching her breath, "You could've been thinking about! You've been thinking about noodles?! Do you even know what noodles are?"

McQueen nodded his head.

"Of course, I do... Isn't it a type of human food where they're just squiggly lines made out of grain that you put in the microwave?"

Marisol looked up thinking. "Hmm...close enough. But yeah basically."

McQueen let out a sigh of relief. "Well, Vanellope has been teaching me more of human food. They're actually very similar to our food, surprisingly."

Marisol paused her work. She looked at the elder racecar before turning back to her work.

"I don't even know how to respond to that." She muttered to herself. McQueen chuckled softly.

"I wouldn't blame you."

Marisol laughed. They fell into a comfortable silence as Marisol went back into focusing on her task. The racecar, however, looked down his mind wondering.


They heard a distant voice calling out to them. McQueen immediately looked up while Marisol's head snapped up, alert. She accidentally banged her head against the hood of the car. The stock car cringed his eyes shut as he heard Marisol groan in pain. He rolled closer to her as the human woman began rubbing her forehead as she tried to soothe her pain.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned for his friend.

"Yeah, I'm good..." She groaned.


The duo turned their attention to the glitching little girl racing up to them.


"Vanellope?!" The racecar raced up to Vanellope as Marisol followed suit. His eyes were wide with concern as the little human girl raced into his fender. Marisol stood looking confused and worried next to McQueen as he very gently nuzzled her. They pulled apart from each other.

"Vanellope what is going on?! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school!"

His tone was stern but concerned as Vanellope refused to look him in the eye.


Vanellope kept looking down, her body constantly glitching while her hands trembled.

"Vanellope?"McQueen lowered his suspensions down to face Vanellope eye to eye.

"Vanellope..." His voice lowered into a soft gentle tone. "Please... tell me what is going on..."

The little girl remained silent for a moment.

"Oh," Her voice choked. McQueen could tell that Vanellope was scared. "Oh...Lightning!" She looked up to face him. McQueen paused as he could see her hazel eyes glistening. Tears were streaming from her rosy cheeks. Vanellope collapsed on his fender once again. "I messed up! I blew it! I blew our cover!" She choked between tears. His heart ached as he pulled the little girl closer to him.

"It's ok..." He whispered comforting her. "Don't blame yourself." They pulled apart and faced each other again. "But you need to tell us what is going on!"

Vanellope nodded her head. She retold her experience until to the point where she ran away from school.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you were being bullied this entire time?!" His face hardened.

He wasn't really angry at Vanellope but just disappointed that she didn't tell him.

Vanellope cringed, shutting her eyes trembling. "I...j-ust didn't w-want you to worry about me."

His eyes softened. McQueen sighed shaking his front. "I'm sorry Vanellope, I didn't mean to yell at you. Sometimes, I have a hard time controlling my temper." He grinned sheepishly.

The little girl nodded her head, a small smile slowly growing from her tear-stricken face.

Marisol bent down to wipe Vanellope's tears. She stood and turned to face McQueen.

"This is bad, Lightning. We need to start packing! If Vanellope says that a kid recorded her, while she was glitching. Then we are in trouble! He most likely posted it on YouTube by now!"

The woman turned to face Vanellope.

"You weren't followed, right?"

Vanellope's face fell. "Uh..."

"FREEZE!!" A deep voice roared from behind the trio.

A/N: First chapter of 2022!! I know it's past New Year, but happy New Year everyone!! And yes, I'm still working on this story! So a bit of a short chapter! But I hope you guys like it either way! As for now, that's all I got! Adios!!

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