Chapter Forty-Two~ Just When you Think it's Getting Good

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I can't believe they released the sequel already, the first one came out just a few months ago."

Kareena was coming out of the movie theatre with Oliver, Sixth, and Nastasia. The four exited the dark screening room where they had just finished the newest action film. It was nearing midnight when the four left the warm theatre for the cold outside air.

"You know, it's almost as if we are on a double date." Sixth smirked, snaking his arm around Nastasia's waist.

The Russian scoffed as she removed his arm and pushed him to the side, causing him to bump into a cement pillar.

Sixth groaned, raising his hand to the spot his forehead was bumped. Nastasia only rolled her eyes when she saw him pout at her. "I will not apologize. The moment we go on a date will be the moment you realize you're in heaven because I killed you." She spat, her thick Russian accent only making her sound more aggressive.

Just as Sixth and Nastasia were in their own world, Kareena and Oliver were too.

"You are insane in the membrane if you think the sequel is better than the first movie. Everyone knows, the second movie is always worse than the first." Kareena argued with a smile.

"Oh yeah, what makes this one worse than the first one." Oliver poked.

"Easy, this movie strayed from the original plot, it got way too sci-fi- nothing like the book." She explained matter-of-factly. "Second, Andy Hardland wasn't in it." She wrinkled her nose and giggled as she let out the more superficial reason of why not to like it- her favourite and, according to her, the world's most handsome actor, was not on the screen.

"Ah, so the real reason comes to the light." Oliver joked, he looked down to see her laughing and smiling, it made him happy.

Oliver walked her to the bus stop, as they were waiting for the last bus to come, Oliver asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home or stay at my house?"

Kareena smiled at the offer but shook her head in rejection. Since Monday, Kareena and Oliver have been spending a hefty amount of time together. Oliver often picked her up from work and when it was too late into the night, his parents insisted that she stayed with them. It was Friday, and Kareena asked Oliver if she could take him to the movies-as a thank you-Oliver accepted. So that it wouldn't be weird, he invited Sixth, and she invited Nastasia.

Oliver had also invited Minho, but when Kareena's name was mentioned he immediately rejected the idea. Minho had been having a rough week. Ever since his interaction with Kareena at the office, he had been avoiding her. Kareena paid it no mind, she was told he called in sick for the week. She left him a few messages to which he replied with the excuse of being sick. Kareena believed him- she didn't think he had a reason to lie.

"No, I'll be fine. Aidan comes home tomorrow, I want to clean before he shows up. Other than that, my place is across town, don't waste your gas." She smiled.

Seeing the headlights of the bus that was approaching them, Kareena turned to Oliver. "I'll call you when I get home, okay?" She said, leaning over, she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for tonight... and this week."

Approaching the door to the loft, she dialled Oliver's number, he picked up immediately. "Oh, I just wanted to tell you I got home." She said, closing the door behind her. With her phone in one hand, listening to Oliver talk, she looked around the room. "It's a good thing I didn't go to your house tonight." She mumbled, forgetting she was on the phone.

She was reminded her phone was on-call when Oliver spoke into it. "Why do you say that?" He asked, causing her attention to switch from the slightly disorganized area in front of her to her phone.

"It's messier than I remember in here. It's like someone was rifling through the rooms." She explained what she saw, the sentence alone made Oliver bubble up with anxiety.

Just before Oliver could voice his concern, the line went dead. Kareena's phone had run out of charge.

With a shrug of her shoulders, Kareena walked into her room. Papers and books were scattered all over the floor, furrowing her brows, wondering what could have caused this, her eyes landed on the open curtains- it was letting the moonlight in.

Bending down to pick up her math textbook on the floor, Brandy and JoJo stood in front of her. "Hey girls, what have you been..." her voice trailed off when the light of the full moon lit up her room, revealing the shadow of a body behind her.

With wide eyes and heightened emotions, Kareena picked up the textbook, turned around, and swung the heavy textbook at the face of her attacker.

The stranger groaned, in the darkness, Kareena couldn't see his face, but the outline of his build and his voice was no one she could recognize.

"Goddammit, you always were a problematic little bitch." The stranger cracked his jaw back into place.

Before Kareena could comprehend the sentence or make another move, a fist collided with her mouth. Falling to the floor, her mouth filled with blood.

Choking out a scream, she was dragged across the floor by her leg. He picked her up from the floor and shoved her body against the wall, causing the exterior to quake from the amount of force. With one hand pushing her head against the wall and his body trapping hers in place, his free hand clicked open the hunting knife that was hidden in his pocket.

Bringing it up to her neck, he threatened, "how about a nice new scar, huh?" Pushing the knife hard against her left cheek, Kareena winced as blood dripped down her face and onto her neck.

Closing her eyes tightly, she shook her head to get away, he only pressed it against her harder in another area. Another stinging pain burned her face. "Let me go! Let me go!" She repeated in between squeezed breaths, kicking her feet to hit his legs.

"You're good, unfortunately, not good enough. I guess nothing's changed. You're still the same stupid bitch you were four years ago."

Everything stopped for Kareena at that moment- her body went limp, her heart was no longer beating a mile a millisecond, no, it was barely beating now, everything looked like it was going in slow motion.

"Ali..." she named him underneath her breath. It was the last thing she was able to say. With every punch to her gut, Kareena got weaker, there wasn't much she could do- she stopped feeling her body three or four punches ago.

Kareena blinked the blurriness away when she no longer felt punches being thrown at her. Spitting out the blood that pooled in her mouth, she looked up to see JoJo and Brandy attacking Ali's feet.

It was annoying enough to make him stop hitting her and focus on them. He dropped his hands from Kareena and moved back to catch what he called "long rats". Next to her, she saw the blood-covered textbook. Taking it into her grasp she used all of the adrenaline she had left to stand up and swing.

A loud thud echoed through the room when Ali's heavily muscled body fell to the ground. Pushing out heavy breaths, Kareena threw the textbook on the floor next to him. "I am not the same girl." She coughed out the leftover blood and saliva in her mouth before wiping it off the side of her lips.

Clutching the stair rail, she limped her way down. Reaching the front door, she opened it. That's when everything went black.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Far From a Fairytale will return for Season 2!

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