Chapter Four~ Are we Really What People say we are?

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・゚: *・゚:* 💎 *:・゚*:・゚

Kareena and her friends were under a table, about to get up when Zion suggested they do something more interesting, for him and Nastasia at least. Eavesdrop.

"Come on, that's wrong. They wouldn't listen in on our conversations." Kareena tried to convince her friends.

"Sure they would... if they had the chance." Nastasia said, encouraging Zion's idea.

Kareena still wasn't convinced. Aidan couldn't have cared less. Honestly, he was hungry but willing to wait.

Still trying to convince her, Zion continued. "Tell you what, we stay under here for five minutes," he held up his hand with all his fingers up, "and if nothing interesting comes up, we can just get up." He offered.

Kareena squinted her eyes at him, wondering if he actually thought that was something that she would consider.

"No, that's ridiculous. I am not going to-" before she could finish or even try to stand, Zion, grabbed ahold of her. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder and putting his hand on her lips, he kept her silent and still from the protests he knew were coming.

Without fail, Kareena's squeals and shuffles were muffled. After several seconds she gave up, knowing it would end in either hurting herself or him.

As they all sat quietly, Kareena struggling under Zion's arms, their food slowly cooling, they tried their best to listen in. And while Kareena had refused to listen, it was not working out in her favour.

"Listen, that bitch is so forgettable in a month you won't even remember her name.

Someone let out a heavy sigh. Kareena, correctly, assumed it was Oliver.

Uninterested in the conversation, Oliver looked down at the table, chin resting on his palm as he traced circles on the table with his other. Not caring and having fun bitching about the girl, Sean continued. "Look I can hook you up with a ton of hot chicks way hotter than Kareena Acharya."

I knew he only liked me because of what he saw. The thought made Kareena tighten her lips as she listened to their shared words.

"But that's not..." Oliver's voice trailed off before everyone at and underneath the table could hear."

"Dude, she has been acting like she's all that since forever. It's about time Valley Girls got em' right," Sean said proudly.

Acting, she pondered, subconsciously touching her lips, a smile long gone.

Zion watched her face twist and quickly moved an arm around her trying to comfort her. "Don't listen to him. Sean Callington is a deranged douche whose mother didn't give him enough love, which is why he's an asshole to women."

Silently turning to him, she held onto his gaze before speaking. "You shouldn't say things like that, Zion," Kareena told him, giving him a light smile. She hated insulting others or hearing others insult each other. But she appreciated the gesture of what Zion was doing.

"Why? He said those things first." Zion crossed his arms over his chest, wondering why she was so eager to defend him without a sign of anger or sadness.

"Because we shouldn't base our actions and words just to spite someone else, because what does that make us?" She asked in a parent-like tone, quoting something her sister had told her once.

"No better than them," Zion answered like a defeated child.

As Sean continued to talk, pissing off everyone above and below him, someone put an end to his word-vomit. A voice those underneath did not recognize. "I think you should be more considerate and understanding. You don't know her, and it only happened a couple of hours ago." The stranger said, glaring at Sean in front of him and putting an arm around Oliver.

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