Chapter 31

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<Lafayette pov>

"Go ahead tell me?" I say to Hercules as he rolls his eyes causing me to cross my arms in anger

"You know what! I'm tired of you bitching at me for not doing something that you like and it's so fucking annoying!" He yelled out and I I laugh

"Well why don't you just tell me then huh?!" I yell back

It went on back and forth until I yelled something out

"I DID IT OKAY! I SIGNED THE PAPERS" I finally told him I signed the papers for adoption that I have been stalling for quite some time.. he wanted kids and I didn't know what to do but I finally decided to do it

" did?..Lafayette I..I'm sorry i mean thank you but I'm sorry" he mumbled sitting down on the bed in disappointment from yelling at me. It was quiet for a while but then I finally spoke again

"I..I love you.." I mumbled and he smiled

"I love you too"

<John Lauren's Pov>

"They finally stopped yelling.." I say to lexi as he laid his head on my chest in relief that they gone quiet

"Finally..all I was trying to do is sleep.." he whispered and I agreed he barely gets sleep and if he doesn't stop being awake all the time I fear something may happen. The silence grew and all we heard was water dripping from the bathroom sink and the birds chirping outside of the windows

"Shit now I can't even sleep" he groaned as he sat up covering his self with the blanket before he turned his head to me

"well I mean there is nothing to do now." I mumbled as I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. Philip was supposed to be coming to  visit from college with theodosia like he does every holiday

Nothing new nothing old just same thing..

I put my hair into a bun and put some pants on as the cold air blew over me

"I don't feel like getting up" Alex said as he watched me open the bedroom door

"I mean you don't have can stay in here" I say softly but he soon gets up and walks to me wrapping his arms around me

"No.." he croaked and I turned around so I could pick him up I mean he is tired but his body won't let him sleep it's like it's doing it on purpose

I sat down on the couch and ran my fingers in Alexander's hair hoping it would help him go to sleep since it was so quiet and he wasn't talking at all

Knock knock

I stare at the door as a knock hit against it leaving me in confusion.. who's here?

I sit alex down and walk to the door opening it I see theodosia and Philip

"Hey John!" They both say as they embraced me with a hug they were happy to be back and I was happy too it's been awhile especially since they went to a early college

"Where's Alex and Lafayette?" Theodosia asked and I pointed towards Alex as he slept softly

"And Lafayette uh he will be out in a bit" I say letting them into the house and watching as they walked in with their bags and plopped onto the couch

"Sooo what has changed?" Philip asked and I laugh before sitting down with Alex letting him fall asleep on my shoulder

"A whole bunch of shit probably to much" I say but Philip budged in

"Say all of it!" He said and I stare at him watching as he got comfortable putting his arm around theodosia

"Well well well?"  I say and he quickly moved his arm back to him

"I was joking you dumb ass" I laughed and he chuckled nervously as he slowly put his arm back around Theodosia leaving her cheeks rosey

"Okay well I'll start with us I guess... I'm getting Transfeminine bottom surgery" I say and they both gasp before softly squealing

"Oh my goddd! Wait so your gonna be a girl?!" Theodosia asked and I chuckled a bit before shaking my head no

"Well yes but no I'm still gonna keep my male pronouns but I prefer to be called he/they" I replied and she nodded

"Okay Lafayette and Hercules well they are kinda the same but they are going through some things right now..anyways next Thomas we'll James kinda went off cheated then disappeared but Thomas is seeing a boy named iris" I stated out

"Aaron has gotten with Angelica" I say as I roll my eyes

"Peggy has changed and is living a pretty nice life!"

"Eliza and Maria are still together and have 2 children"

"And Eacker is in jail" I say and they try not to laugh

"I mean of course he is" Philip says as theodosia grips onto his hand

I stare at them two and smile I mean I expected it to happen like who wouldn't I guess

"Philip!" Lafayette yelled and he laughed as Philip ran to him

"Gilbert!" He said and Lafayette froze like he saw a dead dog

"G-Gilbert? No one has ever called me that" he mumbled and Philip looked at him

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" He said but Lafayette hugged him

"No no it's fine I promise"

~REMASTERED AND RECONTINUED~Til' the end of our days!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon