Chapter 5

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𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷

"Can you cook pancakes?" He stares at me "bitch.." I look at him "what?" He smacks my head "I worked at a damn café for 6 years what the fuck" I lean onto the counter "don't have to be an ass about it" he leans beside of me "can you" I scoff "I mean yeah If you want a very fluffy pancake then" he laughs "why very fluffy?.." I look at the wall and scratch my neck "how much batter do you use" he drinks his soda "Uhm that doesn't matter" he chuckles a bit and all of a sudden moaning comes out of no where "YOOOO" I groan and gag "BRO CAN YALL BE A BIT LOUDER?!" Alexander laughs and almost chokes "I was BEING SARCASTIC" Alexander falls and I start laughing "I bet Hercules is a bottom "HAHAHAHA" I start to Neal down in laughter "BRO STOP MY STOMACH HURTS" I start to turn red from laughing "ZE HARDER" I laugh even harder from the impression "WAIT DO HERCULES" Alexander stands up "rawr I'm a strong man" I start to die in laughter "WHY DID YOU RAWR" I hold my stomach and Alexander starts laughing with me as Lafayette cusses us out in French "SORRY SORRY" I hold my stomach "my stomach hurts now" we laugh again and then look at each other "you both are assholes" I look at him "this would be in the damn Wikipedia page" his jaw drops "what were you both even talking about"~ "they were probably flirting"~ "oh fuck off rawr man" I laugh again "RAWR MAN OH MY GOSH ALEXANDER" I hit my head on accident and then laugh even harder "see karma" "WHY WOULD YOU LIFT YOU'RE HEAD"~ "ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO JUST SAW RAWR HERCULES PLEASE" he groans "rawr" he rolls his eyes and me and Alexander laugh "I hope you both trip and fall" he walks back to the room and we see Lafayette struggle to walk "welp"~ "there is one brownie left and I am getting it" Alexander gets up and I grab him "no it's mine" I take it and pretend like I am going to eat it "please let me have some" I laugh and split it in half "thanks" he smiles and Lafayette throws a bag of apples at me "OW SHIT" I hold my head and a headache grows "You both keep flirting" I stare at him "okay fine sorry" Alexander puts an ice pack on my head "that fucking hurt" Lafayette walks off "go get your man..."


Lauren's and Lafayette never always fight but now sometimes they do and it is causing John to fall in a really hard state since Lafayette and him have been friends ever since birth basically and now that Lafayette had an angry tone with Lauren's sometimes they end up having fist fights and it is cutting Lauren's in a deeper pain and every time they fight it goes deeper...and deeper....and deeper...Alexander makes Lauren's happy and gives him comfort after....

A couple days later

A lot of screaming surrounds me "JUST SHUT UP LAFAYETTE"  he stares at me and he walks up to me "watch it John." He gives me an angry look "I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING" he punches me and blood drips down my nose and I charge at him

but why... we used to be good friends and now what happened we fight a lot.. I'm in fear and trauma this reminds me about my step mother... and I don't like it I hate it make it stop why Lafayette why

"STOP LAFAYETTE" Alexander yells at us as I'm covered in bruises and cuts "GET OFF OF HIM" Alex drags him off of me and grabs my hand "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" I look at Lafayette and the back at Alex and then run to the room and lock the door "JOHN OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE" I rock back and forth "what did I do what did I do what did I do"

Alexander's pov

"Why do you fight with him" Lafayette just stares at the floor "i-I don't know..." he stands up and walks up to the sink "I really don't..." I look at him "I just he looks like he is happy and I don't know why I ruin it..." Lafayette slides down to the floor "I want to seem like a bad guy.."~ "I don't want to look like I care because no one in my whole life cared except for him he doesn't deserve a friend like me..." I hug him "you need to talk to him" he sighs and walks to the door "John..." he leans on the door "I'm sorry I-I don't know what happened to me" his French accent makes everything sound more sincere and sadder than I thought "I am a horrible friend john I treated you like shit and you didn't do the same you treated me like I was you're brother" ~ "I'm a fucking dickhead I don't know what is wrong with me.." John opens the door and looks at Lafayette "dude..." he wipes his tears then hugs Lafayette "you are my brother no matter what..." I look at them and smile a bit "you see there"



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About like that also who ever did this art is so fucking talented like I can't even do that 😥

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