Chapter 17

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Lauren's pov

"John we are going to be late!" I almost trip while putting my shoes

"IM COMING LEXI" I fix my tie and run to Alex


"It is your new nickname"

"Ohh" I kiss him on the cheek and we run into the car

"How much time do we have?..."

"30 minutes" I start to back the car up

We have never been late for work and it is stressful as being a CEO for a big company..

"20 minutes.." I drive into the parking lot and we jump out the car

"Okay I love you I will see you after this meeting!" I kiss him and run into the meeting room

"Just in time Mr. Lauren's!" I nod and sit down

"Okay what we need to discuss today is about the information of the human resource management team" I stand up and walk to the board and watch Alex walk in

"okay everyone I have made turkey ham sandwiches I hope you enjoy" he smiles and I wink at him

"Okay explanation of the Human Resources management team which has been going down a bit since some of the team has been failing from the job I say we should change and promote the ones who are working harder to help this company grow"

After the meeting

I take a big deep breath and sit down at my desk looking at all the papers

"Why hello John" I look at Alex and he stares at me and walks over to my desk

"I have to much shit to do..." I groan and he gives me a hug

"I know I can help you hun" he smiles and I kiss his cheek

"Okay uhm what are they about?"

"The Human Resources team because someone was caught sabotaging something from the team" he starts writing things and I look at it

"That looks good!" I start to yawn and he looks at me

"Do you need coffee" he sits on my desk and I nod

"Okay I will be back" I smile

I swear I have the hottest boyfriend ever..


Baby brother

Baby brother: help...

Me: what's wrong Philip?

Baby brother: I had my first time.


Baby brother: mhm and I told Lafayette and he is cheering me on but my ass hurts

Me: that's normal okay.. just try to not sit on it or it will hurt worse

Baby brother: okay thanks John

Me: no problem I will see you when I get home

Baby brother: okay bye

I look at Alex and grab my coffee

"So how long are we going to be here for?"

"About until 5:00" I groan as I write on the papers

"This is going to be boring.." I look at Alex and he sits down on my desk again helping me

Awh....he is so loving I can't

"We need to stop by the store later" i look up at him and nod

"Okay" I sip my coffee and continue to write


"Okay a couple more papers then we are done" I mumble and my hand starts to cramp as I write some more


2 more papers left come on...

"Okayyyy and done" I stack the papers up and grab my coat

"Finally.." I chuckle as Alex groans and I cut off the light

"Let's go home now.."

At home :)

"Welcome home" I see Philip leaning on the wall and he looks at me

"Hey Philip" he waved at me and I chuckle a bit

"And George" Philip looks back at the floor and I walk to him

"Here come on" I walk him into his room and he looks at me

"So how was it?"

"Kinda rough" he chuckles a bit and sigh

"Did you like it Philip?"

"I mean yeah it was enjoyable but it hurt a bit"
He mumbled and I smiled a bit

"Did you tell him that?"

"Mhm he said he was sorry and that he should have been a little softer" he started to fiddle with his hands and I put my hand on his shoulder

"Listen it is okay if you want to do it again and if you are just bored and need some pleasure once in a while" he laughs a bit and I smile

"Okay okay to much" he walked out his room and I closed his door as I came out

"What were you both talking about?"

"Boy stuff" I say in a sarcastic tone and Lafayette laughs

"What ever you say" I sat down next to Alex and lean on his shoulder

"Okay John I think you should get some sleep.." Alex picks me up and takes me to our room

"F-fine..." I start to yawn and I lay down

Sorry this is so short

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