Chapter 10

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Philips pov

My name is Philip and I'm a poet, I wrote this poem just to show it and I just turned...

I stop my pencil and then slam it down

"This doesn't make sense" I bang my head on my desk and then look back at it

I crumble the poem and throw it away

"I tried Lafayette it doesn't make sense I love poems but I can't write one..." I mumbled and he kneels down and smiles

"It is okay Philip I understand I just wanted you to try" he smiles and I hug him

"Thanks Lafayette" I hug him again and Hercules walks out the room

"Hello my favorite kid" he fist bumps me

"And hello my favorite boyfriend" I watch him kiss Lafayette

"Isn't he your only boyfriend" I asked and he laughs


Lauren's pov

I groan as I wake up to Lafayette opening the blinds

"Come on wake up first day of college" he says all happy and I turn over to see Alexander asleep still

"Alex" I boop his nose and he wakes up

"Hm?" He mumbled as he scooted closer to me putting his arms around me and his long hair over his face


"It is the first day of college wake up" he groans

"And I drink illegally" he says and he closes his eyes again

"Come on Alex" I get out of bed and drag him too

"Fineeee" he gets up and kisses my cheek

"You are trying to turn me on so you don't get to go to school nice try" I hug him and kiss him back


They dropped out of college but karma has bit them in the ass so now they have to take college luckily Alexander and John have all of their classes together while they are at school Aaron burr has to watch Philip since he already has a degree while Lafayette also luckily have the same classes

(Back as Lauren's pov)

I walk with Alex holding his hand as we get to our locker we just got done with first period and it was so fucking bad. It was boring we couldn't go to the bathroom even if we begged him

"If second period is as bad I may just die" I groan and grab my books and alex looks at me
And walks up to me and hugs me

"If you are so stressed then if the teacher lets us go to the bathroom I can calm you down" he whispered in my ear and I start to turn pink

"F-fuck you A-Alex" I mumbled and he kissed my neck and smiled and we walk to second period

"Okay class as seen on pg. 26 it shows the historical preview of slavery..." I close my eyes and daydream about summer vacation

"Mr Lauren's what do you think slavery was like" she says in a stern tone and I snap back into present

"Uhm it was about when white men took black people as someone to work for them they also had sales for them and took each family members away from them" I say and then lay my head down and she claps

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