"I keep telling you, having your body count increase doesn't count"

"Fucking ass", I mutter to myself, "it might be my first relationship but I'm not sure how to treat her now. Most of the time she's been a pain but now it's like I'm used to the pain"

"That's all apart of falling in love", he says and I stop in my tracks.

I stare him dead in the eyes and I hear him gulp. No matter whatever mood I'm in he should never use that word around me. Liu men fear the weak word called love and under no circumstances will I ever fall in love with this girl.

"Don't use that word around me"

I continue to walk and he follows.

"Right I forgot how scared that word makes you"

"I'm not scared of anything and I'm not falling for her. I'm just.....getting used to her"

He walks past me and I see him roll his eyes. As I was just about to hit him in the back of the head I'm interrupted by a loud sound of something dropping. It echoed through the hall and Titus glances back at me as he draws his knife. I nod at him and pull out my gun before walking to the noise.

We walk to the staircase that leads to Joey's bedroom and Titus decides to head upstairs. My gut tells me somethings wrong, we checked the bedroom twice and after up turning it Joey has more sense then to go back in there. I glance behind the staircase and I slowly walk towards it.

I see the small bucket and I aim my gun to the shadows casted behind the dark concrete staircase.

"Are you gonna come out?"


I know he's there and now he's starting to piss me the fuck off.

"Come out Joey"

Titus stops in his tracks at the top of the stair and now I'm pissed I aim the barrel to the concrete wall and pull the trigger. The silence becomes loud as the bullet sticks through the wall and soon a shivering Joey steps out from behind the stairs with his hands behind his head.

"C'mon man I didn't know it was you"

"Fucking liar"

I grab him by the collar and pull him away from the enclosed space. I shove him against the concrete wall and he groans when I wrap my hand around his throat and I bring the gun to his head.

"Alright alright alright calm down man.  What......what can I do?"

"You've been fucking with me for months now, your times up"

"I can...can tell you anything you want to know, just put the gun down"

I place my finger on the trigger and he starts begging, I hate when people beg it always takes the fun out of killing them.

"Um.....Archer......Archer Chadwick's in town and they say he wants to kill you"


"I swear to you that's what people are saying on the streets. He isn't over you killing his uncle man"

"I don't believe you"

"You have a gun to my head why would I lie!"

"What else is he saying?", Titus asks from behind me.

"I don't believe this asshole"

"He doesn't have a reason for lying lets hear him out"

I sigh and let him go before backing away. I raise my hands and take my thumb from the trigger.

Burn (BWAM)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя